Hi there, just finished removing all the dash bits so I can see why my lighter socket isn't working, neither is the digital clock.
If I remember correctly the original lighter socket had an integral fuse at the back and I think I replaced that years ago with the current socket, I now have an inline 15A fuse fitted which has blown. Any ideas why that would happen? I only ever plug my phone into it?
Is the clock on the same circuit? I'm thinking it points to a problem elsewhere if it's getting surges, so just wondered if this was a regular problem?
If I remember correctly the original lighter socket had an integral fuse at the back and I think I replaced that years ago with the current socket, I now have an inline 15A fuse fitted which has blown. Any ideas why that would happen? I only ever plug my phone into it?
Is the clock on the same circuit? I'm thinking it points to a problem elsewhere if it's getting surges, so just wondered if this was a regular problem?