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Additional bulbs in dash

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  • Additional bulbs in dash

    Is it possible to drill additional holes and insert small LEDs to illuminate the dash better?

    I have tried a variety of bulbs, LED and incandescent and I can't get a decent blue colour that is not patchy.

    There appear to be a few areas of 'land' on the back of the unit that it may be possible to drill through without affecting any electrickery. Is it just a case of wiring the new bulbs in series with the existing circuit? Do they need resistors or anything?

  • #2
    Yes, it's possible. What resistors you need for your LEDs depends on what LEDs you buy. A lot of suppliers sell the correct resistors with them these days.
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #3
      I've bought 10 diffused blue 3mm leds with appropriate resistors for 12v, already attached.

      I'll photograph my progress and if it works well, I'll do a little write up.

      Apparently they should be wired in parallel to enable as many leds as required.

