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disconecting the ariel?

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  • disconecting the ariel?

    i just changed my car stereo in my Gen 3 Surf, and now when i turn it on to CD mode, the electric ariel turns on and comes out of its hidey hole.

    my old unit would only put the ariel up if i had the radio on.

    its annoying cos i cant listen to anything when i offroad, incase it snaps off!

    my question is: is there anyway to isolate the ariel so i can play CD's without powering it up?

    or, do they do a small rubbery ariel to put in its place?



  • #2
    I've put a switch inline on the power lead to the ariel solenoid, just turn it off when I dont want the ariel up


    • #3
      It's dependant on the stereo as to when the external 12v comes on. When they only came on with the radio it was to fire up your aerial alone, nowadays it can be attached to a relay to fire up amps, external DAB or DVD unit, screens and anything else so most don't have selective output I don't think otherwise you'd only get everything else come on with the aerial which would be a bit pointless!

      I put a switch in line with the aerial (after the supply to the amps etc.) so it's only on when I need it.


      I've got a plan and it's as hot as my pants!


      • #4
        Make sure that TA is switched off, and that you have the aerial power wire connected to the aerial remote wire and not the amp remote wire for a start. If that doesn't cure it then go for the switch in line solution as above.


        • #5
          The problem is that the aerial relay/module is triggered by both the amp and aerial outputs of the head unit.

          I took the aerial relay/module to bits, cut the connection from the amp signal and bridged it to the aerial input. In other words, the aerial signal from the head unit now drives both inputs on the aerial relay/module and the link from the amp signal to the aerial module is broken.

          This works fine, as now the aerial works when the head unit is switched to radio, and the rear amps switch on whenever the head unit is on.

          This will only work though if your head unit has separate trigger outputs for the amp and aerial.



          • #6
            wow, thanks guys,

            i'll look into that over the weekend if i find a spare 5 minutes.

            Your help is much appreciated as ever!




            • #7
              To disconect the ariel I removed about six self tapper type bolts from under the N/S/F wing holding the plastic underwing shroud which I folded back allowing access to the ariel connection which I disconected n refitted the plastic shroud .. took about 15 - 20 mins
              Good Luck


              "Cos short cuts can cost more in the long run"
              Buncefield Burner

