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New Alarm System

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  • New Alarm System

    Hey Guys,

    I hope all are well?????

    I'm wondering if anyone can help me on this one?

    I've recently bought a new alarm system for my surf! Now i was really looking forward to fitting it myself until i read the instuctions and realised its a little harder than i first thought!? Would you recommend that i fit it myself? it does say it's a DIY alarm but i think it involves soldering wires to the indictors etc and I don't wanna reck my Surf! What do you guy's think on this one? and do you have any handy tips hints etc when fitting alarms? are there any useful websites out there on how to fit an alarm?

    Thank you so much for any help


  • #2
    Alarm System

    Is it a Thatcham CAT1 for insurance purposes?
    If so you might want to check coz most of the insurers I approached stated that it has to be fitted by a VAT registered installer.



    • #3
      Whhhat Cha A1,

      Nah this is just a talking alarm mainly for gadget purposes! Its made by microscan.
      Ive asked my insurance company about alarms and stuff and they seem to think... alarm no alarm the price stays the same!

      Thanks though!


      • #4
        All connections etc are under the steering column, you just need a test light to sort out which is which. Also the wires for the immobilser if it cuts out the ignition can be accessed here as well.
        It can be a diy job, just a bit time consuming to sort out which wires are which, you dont need to cut he wires for the indicators, just peel the insulation back a bit and solder the alarm to it then insulate it again.
        Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

        My 4x4
        My choice
        Back off


        • #5
          Hey... Thank you for your help! I'll try n figure out how to sort it! at first it seemed a doddle but seems to be a bit tricky! Where do you think the best place is to mount the alarm? I don't wanna Split pipes n stuf!!!
          Thanks a gain for ya help

          Take it easy



          • #6
            put the control box above steering column under lower dash. the noisy bit on the bulkhead under the bonnet


            • #7
              Hmmm Man....
              YOur gonna laugh at me for askin this but could you explain where the bulk head is!????


              • #8
                Originally posted by keir
                Hmmm Man....
                YOur gonna laugh at me for askin this but could you explain where the bulk head is!????
                You need the control box outta the way, so anywhere under the dash, column or that area as Marky says is easiest. You need to mount the siren in such a way that it is not accessible by lying underneath the vehicle etc. So high up on the bulkhead is a good place, the bulkhead is where the fuel filter is mounted and is the large area between you (as you sit in the seat) and the engine bay ie, the large metal area below the wipers where all the electrics, heater hoses, accelerator etc run through.
                Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                My 4x4
                My choice
                Back off


                • #9
                  Originally posted by keir
                  Hmmm Man....
                  YOur gonna laugh at me for askin this but could you explain where the bulk head is!????
                  The Bulkhead is the bit that the dashboard is fitted to, it's the big bit of metal between the engine bay and the cockpit.

                  With regards to soldering to the indicators, use the hazards instead if it's for flashing the lights to show it's alarmed. They are easy to get to as the switch is in the dash and can be accessed easier than the indicator switch on the steering column.

                  Also if you don't fancy soldering you could always use scotchlock connectors (the ones that you fit over the existing wire, feed in the new wire and close - a blade makes the connection in both wires).



                  • #10
                    Iff all else fails pm Slydog as he may have a Dobberman for rent
                    (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                    • #11
                      i have a alarm wiring diagram if you need it drop me your email & ill send it

