was messin wiv the electrics the other day, fitting the towbar socket and stuff, so while the panels were off decided i'd fit the tailgate window keyswitch from my breaker into one of the cubby holes in the boot of my current surf so when i sleep in the back i can open the back window without reaching over and putting the keys in the ignition to use the switch on the center console.
dead easy job really and pretty useful if you do sleep in the truck from time to time. So might aswell write it up i guess.
What you need:
- a spare tailgate keyswitch (or SPDT (on1/off/on2) momentary switch, but i wanted to use a keyswitch as it will work with the surf locked and ignition off, i know it's inside the vehicle and hidden but well the keyswitch was there)
- drill + appropriate bit (depends on the switch you use)
- soldering iron, solder, wire strippers
- crimp on ring terminal + terminal crimps
- screwdriver cross head
- flat blade screwdriver / knife (to remove screw caps on trim)
- electrical tester (or small knife and bit of wire to connect to ground)
- insulating tape
1) remove passenger side boot trim panel (http://www.showmesome.info/hilux/workshop/rear_trim.htm)
2) remove cubby box
3) locate window relay module, just to the rear of where the cubby box has just come from
4) find the wires coming from the bottom of it and locate the two wires you need to splice in to - i'll go check the colours in a minute edit: wire colours are green with a yellow stripe + silver bands, green with a red stripe + silver bands, IIRC it was the fathest one on the row closest to the rear of the car, and the 4th one back again on the row closest to the rear of the car. Test them to be sure, they should both be positive and when you earth one the window should open, and when you earth the other it should close. If you don't have a tester cut into them with a small knife then use a bit of wire between the knife blade and ground to earth them one at a time.
5) once you've identified and tested to make sure you have the right wires strip away some of the insulation and solder a wire tail into each of them. tip: pull just these two wires away from the rest of the bundle a bit, and make one connection 1/2" further along the wire than the other, it seems to make them slightly easier to solder, and should they somehow end up not insulated they won't short out on each other if they're 1/2" apart.
6) i'm getting bored is anyone still reading?? i'll go check the wire colours and finish writing it up later on.
dead easy job really and pretty useful if you do sleep in the truck from time to time. So might aswell write it up i guess.
What you need:
- a spare tailgate keyswitch (or SPDT (on1/off/on2) momentary switch, but i wanted to use a keyswitch as it will work with the surf locked and ignition off, i know it's inside the vehicle and hidden but well the keyswitch was there)
- drill + appropriate bit (depends on the switch you use)
- soldering iron, solder, wire strippers
- crimp on ring terminal + terminal crimps
- screwdriver cross head
- flat blade screwdriver / knife (to remove screw caps on trim)
- electrical tester (or small knife and bit of wire to connect to ground)
- insulating tape
1) remove passenger side boot trim panel (http://www.showmesome.info/hilux/workshop/rear_trim.htm)
2) remove cubby box
3) locate window relay module, just to the rear of where the cubby box has just come from
4) find the wires coming from the bottom of it and locate the two wires you need to splice in to - i'll go check the colours in a minute edit: wire colours are green with a yellow stripe + silver bands, green with a red stripe + silver bands, IIRC it was the fathest one on the row closest to the rear of the car, and the 4th one back again on the row closest to the rear of the car. Test them to be sure, they should both be positive and when you earth one the window should open, and when you earth the other it should close. If you don't have a tester cut into them with a small knife then use a bit of wire between the knife blade and ground to earth them one at a time.
5) once you've identified and tested to make sure you have the right wires strip away some of the insulation and solder a wire tail into each of them. tip: pull just these two wires away from the rest of the bundle a bit, and make one connection 1/2" further along the wire than the other, it seems to make them slightly easier to solder, and should they somehow end up not insulated they won't short out on each other if they're 1/2" apart.
6) i'm getting bored is anyone still reading?? i'll go check the wire colours and finish writing it up later on.