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oil temp?

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  • oil temp?

    I've just installed a new engine in my beast...
    Bitch of a job since it was the first time i've ever done anything like that before!!
    everything seems to be working fine and all seems ok with the electrics, but and there's always a but! I'm not sure if its an oil temp or an oil pressure gauge on the dash, but it is'nt moving at all? does anybody know where it connects to the engine? a pic would be great, but directions would be just as good. Its a LN130 engine 1992.
    Oh and before anybody say's it, Yes there is oil in there!!

    Cheers G
    Always assume the worst.....Anything less is a bonus!!

  • #2
    oil pressure sender

    the oil pressure sender is situated on the block at the rear of the right hand side it is behind the exhaust down pipe should have a sngle wire going to itthat comes from the loom that attaches to the alternator loom.(oil pressure sender is round in shape about 1 1/2 inches in diameter with a terminal in the centre for the wire to slide on.


    • #3

      Cheers gerry, that should be ok then as i took it off the last engine. And cheers for the help the other day, had to take off both brackets in the end!

      Always assume the worst.....Anything less is a bonus!!

