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The Saga Continues...

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  • The Saga Continues...

    Ah, the saga continues. I now have a 2.4TD engine from a Hilux doublecab in my LN130 surf.

    Aside from a few minor changes (sump design etc) I have probs with the wiring as the alternator is a different one to the one on my old engine.

    Anyone knowledgeable on this? Are there wiring diagrams available?

    Oh, and by the way, I have an engine (head in good nick – pistons buggered) plus parts for sale…

    Cheers fellas,


    [SIZE=1]Anything you do exposes you to needless risk and liability. So follow this recommendation: Lock yourself in a closet and sit quietly in the dark until you die of old age.[/SIZE]

  • #2
    Originally posted by Banzai
    Ah, the saga continues. I now have a 2.4TD engine from a Hilux doublecab in my LN130 surf.

    Aside from a few minor changes (sump design etc) I have probs with the wiring as the alternator is a different one to the one on my old engine.

    Anyone knowledgeable on this? Are there wiring diagrams available?

    Oh, and by the way, I have an engine (head in good nick – pistons buggered) plus parts for sale…

    Cheers fellas,


    Will the old alternator fit the new engine, this may be a better way to go. I presume the new alternator has the vacuum pump for the 4WD mechanism otherwise that won't work. If the new alternator has the required pump, then I would suggest that if you can, get the new style wiring plug for it from the place you got the engine, then at least you can find out if it has the same number of wires. If so then I think we can probably find the wiring diagram (I can try to scan it from the Ellery manual (have to see if I can do it on my daughters flatbed as mine is a fax type scanner.


