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Towing electrics 'S'

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  • Towing electrics 'S'

    Hi a few years ago I fitted a towbar and wired it for single electrics
    (With a lotta help from Jotto!).
    Now I have a caravan and am looking to go up to Scotland, Mallaig wayin the
    summer. As it is nigh on 850 klicks from my house and will take me a few days
    with stopping to let people and dogs out to wee and making an overdue visit
    to wifes mothers grave.I want to wire it for 12S which will enable me to charge
    fridge and battery when I am on the move. Am I able to use the 12N wiring that
    I put in then, at all?. Or do I need to hook up to something else . I have read various websites, caravan forums looking for advice.
    It will have to wait for the rain to go tho! Ideally I would like to wire it up using the access through the rear where I wired in the first lot.
    All help appreciated.!

  • #2
    The S socket comes from a specific unit you need to purchase for the purpose. That just needs an ignition switched 12V supply, a permanent high current feed and a ground. The socket is then connected to the outputs of that unit. Caravan shop, towbar dealers will sell you all the kit you need.


    • #3
      I got all my stuff from Towequipe and fitted it myself in an afternoon. Even got a link to their website with specific Surf wiring diagrams. Cost less than £30 for the lot. Works a treat.


      • #4
        Originally posted by carrotcruncher
        I got all my stuff from Towequipe and fitted it myself in an afternoon. Even got a link to their website with specific Surf wiring diagrams. Cost less than £30 for the lot. Works a treat.

        can you put up that link

        S S R G is the only way to surf

        scottish mud club member kerelawsurf


        • #5
          Try this: http://www.fityourowntowbars.co.uk/default.htm. I couldn't find an online shop this morning, but they are incredibly helpful on the phone.

