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Techno Tank

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  • Techno Tank

    It started off as a reversing problem when i bought a camera and a rear view mirror/lcd screen that clips on the rear view mirror, this was a little tight as the mirror was to close to the roof to clip on the screen so this was put to one side and i bought some 9" sun vissor lcd screens, a pair as one would look out of place and because i only needed one for the camera, i thought i would buy a T.V/D.V.D/MP3 player for the other side as well, this also has a screen.
    Things seem to have got a bit out of control as there are more screens than a branch of dixons now, you don,t have to have them all switched on at the same time though.
    Bit of a bugger to fit but looks pretty good, still need to wire up the camera so more stipping down needed to get the cable to the rear. Sorry its a bit blurred (night vission on my camera)
    Last edited by mark 1; 28 April 2007, 09:49.

  • #2
    Now that's how it begins, the fatal words "I was just sorting, and then".
    Do you think you've finished, cause I can bet you've got just another thing to add.
    Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


    • #3
      Sorry about the poor image, here's a clearer one.......[img=http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/3448/28042007002ac2.th.jpg]
      Last edited by mark 1; 28 April 2007, 09:46.

