I knew these were faulty coz I have had to have them jump started a few times since I got the car. Then the other day I set out for Manchester to see Nine Inch nails. Got in the car started fine, got the petrol station and put £20 diesel in........ car wouldn't start again. I got Green Flag out and they jump started me away from the pump (I remembered a thread about the red button on the auto gearbox allowing you to put the car in neutral when engine was off - so thanks guys
). I then drove to Manchester confident in the knowledge that the long drive would charge the batteries up a little bit and I would have no problems until Friday when I am booked into get them replaced. Enjoyed the gig, girlfriend had her first 'heavy metal' gig experience and we had a lots of kisses and cuddles etc - looking forward to getting her home if the truth be known... *BLUSH*.
Got to the car, wouldn't start. Got Green Flag out, jump started again.
ANyway, to cut a long story a litle bit shorted I got two brand new batteries fitted yesterday for £97.90 with free fitting).
Thank CHRIST for that........

Got to the car, wouldn't start. Got Green Flag out, jump started again.
ANyway, to cut a long story a litle bit shorted I got two brand new batteries fitted yesterday for £97.90 with free fitting).
Thank CHRIST for that........