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Stereo not turning on

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  • Stereo not turning on

    I have had a problem for a while which has now ended with the stereo not turning on at all. Before it would click on and off when I first turned the ignition on, and you can here a solenoid clicking at the same time, but once on it would stay on. The other day I noticed that the tacho, battery guage and temp guage were all being affected by the stereo (they would flick up and down with the bass of the music, the louder the music the more they would flick and vis-versa). Today the stereo would not turn on at all. I have now got the dash apart and tested various connection points and i only have 9-10volts on all the connections. Is this right or do I have a voltage drop? Also the problem of the clicking on and off of the stereo only lasted as long as it would take for the elec attenna to come up, then it would be fine. I have disconnected the aerial, but still nothing. ANY ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    Sounds to me like it's a problem with the stereo wiring to me, you need to pull it out and check all connections, especially the earths.


    • #3
      Not to self always check the obvious first . Having dismantled half the inside of the car and got my multi-meter on everything, my car mechanic neighbour came out and found the earth from the battery to the wing was rusty and very slighly loose. It now works fine. Thanks for your reply anyway bushwhacker.


      • #4
        watch out trev dont get you on IOTW for that one mate!!

