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Electric ariel

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  • Electric ariel

    I turned on the radio this morning, ariel went up as normal but when it got to the top of its travel, the motor kept turning, so I instantly turned the radio off and down it went no problem. can someone please let me know why the ariel motor refused to turn off when it reached the end of its travel, is it a relay fault?.If you leave it running long enough, it eventually turns off so maybe something is sticking or burning out.

  • #2
    mine keeps going as the ariel is buggered.......


    • #3
      My aerial's slightly kinked (Salisbury, trees, you get the picture) so doesn't retract fully.

      Going up or down, the motor runs for about 3s longer than the aerial moves for and then you can hear the relay under the dash cut off.

      Since it's been doing this for months, if yours does the same (i.e. eventually custs out) I wouldn't worry. Not until it burns out completely and you have to get a new aerial but since that's probably the only "cure" as of today anyway, you won't lose out.


      • #4
        The aerial is pushed up and down by plastic strip with teeth which mesh into a cog. The plastic teeth wear, especially if the aerial has been kinked, bent or not lightly oiled. Replacement masts are available from the forum shop and just drop in, so you dont need to buy a complete new aerial.
        It's only a hobby!

