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ignition illuminating light

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  • ignition illuminating light

    hi there you all knowing people.

    been changing speedo face and bulbs on dial cluster on my 1993 ssrg, i have found a bulb on the steering column cover to light the ignition, only trouble is i cannot find any connection to plug it into, have searched all under dash but can,t find anything. now this has not worked since i bought the truck. hope someone can shine some light on this, he he.

    cheers lads johnno
    15 years in shiny club, lovely

  • #2
    Are you saying that the bulb is there in it's holder, but there's no wires going to it?
    If so, your looking for two wires together in a black sleeve, one is red with a yellow stripe and the other is black with a white stripe.


    • #3

      hi vince
      the bulb holder and wire with plug on the end is installed on the cover , but i can,t find any plug to connect it to or any spare wires.got all the dash out so trying to get it sorted now. also do you know if the bulbs in the heater control unit are dealers part only, my local shop said they were but if you seen the lad serving you would be doubtful to.
      cheers johnno
      15 years in shiny club, lovely


      • #4
        The bulbs in the heater controls, behind the sliders are tiny bulbs in plastic holders, theres two of them one behind the red and blue section and another behind the fan speed slider. Getting at them, you'll need to train a Gerbil to get in there and change them for you as is a bugger to get to them!!

        At the end of the ignition switch light, there should be a blue multiplug. This connects to the other half of the plug (blue) with two wires attatched, one is blue the other green, both with white stripes. You should find it taped to the steering column somewhere.


        • #5
          ignition light

          hi vince
          thanks for the info, was trying all day yesterday to log onto this forum but for some reason could not do it, anyway i eventualy found the multi plug for the ignition light got that sorted, while i had the dash out i took the heater controls out to change the bulbs, went to my local toyota dealer to get two bulbs the usual story non in stock, just as well nearly ten quid!. so dash went back in bulbless will try and source some a bit later. i am not a scrooge but i thought that was way over the top. must be smallest bulbs on the motor. anyway thanks for the reply

          cheers johnno
          15 years in shiny club, lovely


          • #6
            You can get similar small bulbs from Maplins for a few pence each. That's what I used to fix mine. They will go in the original holders with a bit of fiddling and you'll need to cut off the excess connection wire but they do work.
            Mike G


            • #7
              Yep - Maplins is the place for bulbs.

              I bought a bag with 10 in and they only cost 79p for the lot!. Product code is BT43.


              I'm not overweight, I'm undertall!

