Today at our club flying site I left the ignition on for 5 hours by accident.
When i returned to the truck it was as dead as a dead thing. Just a glow from the lights on the dash and a click from the solonoid.
Do the glowplugs keep coming on waiting for me to turn the key or is there some other big current drain you know about??
I got it started with the help of fellow club members but it seems very odd that this would happen just by leaving the ign switched on!!!!!!1 Noi lights/no heated screen had been left on, in fact nothing!
Any ideas please
Today at our club flying site I left the ignition on for 5 hours by accident.
When i returned to the truck it was as dead as a dead thing. Just a glow from the lights on the dash and a click from the solonoid.
Do the glowplugs keep coming on waiting for me to turn the key or is there some other big current drain you know about??
I got it started with the help of fellow club members but it seems very odd that this would happen just by leaving the ign switched on!!!!!!1 Noi lights/no heated screen had been left on, in fact nothing!
Any ideas please