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Sad but sexy switch setup

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  • #16
    [quote=MattFBox = Open rear door and lower, sit down, open box.

    Wonder why I picked the box option. [/quote]

    what is it? fuseboard?
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #17
      Originally posted by da SLUG man
      what is it? fuseboard?
      Contents of the box are, (looking from the front):

      Right hand side = distribution block for two 6mm live
      (& fused) feeds from engine bay.

      Bottom = Eight way fuse block (right), and earth block

      Left hand side = High current relays and fused (5A)
      live distribution block (top, mainly for relay coil supply).

      Back panel is a sixteen relay panel. Low current (5A)
      relays. It's one of the Velleman boards. Don't actually
      have to have that there, but wanted to find a use for
      it, and it does look quite nice.

      (That coiled black wire at the bottom is the temporarily
      disconnected feed for the towbar electrics, BTW).


      • #18
        Nice one Matt, Your crazy'er than i am, Your making my seven rockers look a bit sick!!!!,,, If this is one-upmanship i'm gonna need more switches, I do have about 20 sub-mineture toggles for the leds etc do they count, hehe
        Whats next?????????????
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #19
          Originally posted by ian619
          Nice one Matt, Your crazy'er than i am,

          Originally posted by ian619
          Your making my seven rockers look a bit sick!!!!,,, If this is one-upmanship i'm gonna need more switches, I do have about 20 sub-mineture toggles for the leds etc do they count, hehe
          Whats next?????????????
          I'll not say that mine's bigger than yours, then.

          Must say , I love that switch panel of yours next to
          the steering column. It snuggles in so nicely. I'd never
          thought of putting something there, but I will be now.

          I'm sure we'll find some other gizmo's that will look good.
          If I ever get around to it, and find somewhere to fit them,
          I have a LED display temp gauge with high/low relay
          switching, LCD display voltmeter and a few other gubbins.
          It's finding the space that's the problem. I think one might
          fit nicely where you have that switch panel though. Was
          thinking of using the temp/relay unit for an overheat alarm,

          BTW, those gauges and toggles look nice. How did you
          remove the airvent's to fit those? Also, where are those
          gauges from? They are the type of thing I've been looking
          for, instead of the general plastic looking types. Nice job.
          I'm the jealous one now.


          • #20
            Hi Matt, Got the gauges from this guy,
            http://stores.ebay.co.uk/GAUGEPLACEDOTCOM, Their "ghost mirror" range
            from autogauge, US, Look nice when their lit as well, As for removeing the vents i did it when i had the dash out but i would think it is possible to do it with it in if your handy with a hacksaw blade, lever the vents out, and saw
            out the hole as in the pics, i made a plate out of thin alloy to hold three gauges and seven switches under them, Aslo pull off the big plastic air vent
            elbow and blank off the vent, you also loose the cup holder (i can live without it) that gave me plenty or room behind there to put some fuse blocks
            for batt/ign lives, panel lights lives so i can tap in for other stuff i might dream up,
            I dont think you'll get a gauge in that little panell above the hand-brake! its double skin plastic carrying two clips for the dash panel and right behind that is steering columb metal bracket, There was just enough room for the small toggles as they dont stick out to far at the back, and i had to cut out one of the clips which does'nt really matter, Also you cant see it when your driveing (steering wheel's in the way) just as well as the led indicators are bright, Bottom row of switches are for the instrument leds (diff colours) and the top row are mostly spares, just using one so far for the amber roof markers,
            If you got no room for your radio! overhead may be an idea, Bushwacker did it
            (check out modifactions), I'm gonna make a full width roof console to take a CB radio, inclineometer, beat sensor, clock and anything else that comes to mind, just need the stuff so i got some measurements to go on,
            Also got rid of the ashtray so i could put the two lower gauges there
            Good luck Matt, Keep us up to date (with pics) Ian

            Just had a look at gaugeplace and cant see those gauges on his list now, i
            know he gets a batch from the states every so often so it may be worth giveing him a call.
            Last edited by POPEYE; 8 June 2006, 10:09.
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


            • #21
              Your dash ands dials look great both in daylight and
              darkness. Had never realised how much
              room there is behind those vents. Will definitely be
              trying to get those out to fit something in. Really
              tidy job on that panel for the gauges, BTW. We ought
              to exchange gizmo wishlists. Might give each other
              further ideas then. There are so many things
              to either:

              1) Find room for.

              2) Find a use for.

              People don't appreciate how hard it is being a gizmo
              geek, do they.


              • #22
                Originally posted by MattF
                Your dash ands dials look great both in daylight and
                darkness. Had never realised how much
                room there is behind those vents. Will definitely be
                trying to get those out to fit something in. Really
                tidy job on that panel for the gauges, BTW. We ought
                to exchange gizmo wishlists. Might give each other
                further ideas then. There are so many things
                to either:

                1) Find room for.

                2) Find a use for.

                People don't appreciate how hard it is being a gizmo
                geek, do they.
                Your right! Ideas sometimes come to me in the middle of the night, much more and my wife will have me put away,
                Yeah theres quite a bit of room behind there and i thought gauges and switches are better than two vents i never used and a cup holder sited right above the radio that your to scared to use, the japs are cleaver but sometimes have some bum ideas!!!!!
                Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                • #23
                  RIGHT !! thats it !! I'm getting me some more bits for my "cockpit"
                  This is all I have so far.
                  Attached Files
                  '90 SSR Ltd 2.4TD 5 spd


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Simon.O.
                    RIGHT !! thats it !! I'm getting me some more bits for my "cockpit"


                    • #25
                      We shoulds have a "your gadget switches - labelled" thread so we can see what's fitted to everyone's surfs. You know, little arrows on pics to state what each does that'd be cool
                      Just gotta finish doing the next mod...


                      • #26
                        I dont know Simon it's looking pretty well cluttered in there already and i aggree Andy regards labeling, I'd better label mine before the mind goes altogether and i forget what there for!!
                        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                        • #27
                          I've only just seen this thread, must have been when my PC was off-line.

                          MattF, bl**dy hell dude!!

                          Ian, ditto!!

                          Me................I feel so inadequate


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                            I've only just seen this thread, must have been when my PC was off-line.

                            MattF, bl**dy hell dude!!

                            Ian, ditto!!

                            Me................I feel so inadequate
                            Well if Bushwhacker feels inadequate ,where does that leave mere mortals like me ???

                            Matt have you fitted extra batterys for all that stuff ,oh and a roof mounted ups ?
                            Death rides a Black Horse


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                              I've only just seen this thread, must have been when my PC was off-line.

                              MattF, bl**dy hell dude!!

                              Ian, ditto!!

                              Me................I feel so inadequate

                              I had to make up for my scoop and vent inadequacy.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by John h
                                Well if Bushwhacker feels inadequate ,where does that leave mere mortals like me ???

                                Originally posted by John h
                                Matt have you fitted extra batterys for all that stuff ,oh and a roof mounted ups ?
                                Nope, but I have finally picked up a beefier pair of SLA's today. Been waiting yonks
                                for the original batteries to die so that I had a legitimate excuse for replacing them.

