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Ignition barrel

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  • Ignition barrel

    Hi everyone my key no longer turns in the ignition have bought a new barrel from Toyota with 2 keys (very reasonable) £25 has anyone done this or knows how to remove the old and fit the new? stuck here on the drive help please J.

  • #2
    Ignition barrel - cautionary tale - is your key sticking?

    Originally posted by Jordano
    Hi everyone my key no longer turns in the ignition have bought a new barrel from Toyota with 2 keys (very reasonable) £25 has anyone done this or knows how to remove the old and fit the new? - stuck here on the drive help please J.
    Im so sorry I didnt read your request earlier.

    Same happened to me the week I bought mine, when in France.. with no breakdown cover.

    !!!!!! nightmare. This was parked next to a lake in 40 degree heat.

    Only got one ig key, it always needed jiggling to make it turn, wife goes to local lake with dogs and nephews and key won't turn when they come home.

    I called garage in uk who kindly talked me through all of these:

    Pour/squirt in
    WD40 - "works everytime mate"
    "Heavy motor oil" - ditto
    the stuff in pencil lead - "graphite" - an old trick I learned in olden days
    None worked:
    Take of the plastic transom (?) covers (oh god, wires everywhere now..) now try tapping the barrel with a hammer..
    Did this and various other things for 2 days.. - remember NO breakdown cover,.

    "OK maybe its the steering lock", more plastic coming off, more wires, (Oh god) "see if you can break off the steering lock - its really easy" (who am I talking to?)

    I lost my temper and WHACKED the ignition barrel with the lump hammer, and voila, the key turned.

    Pressed little button under ignition and barrel slid out. Soaked the key and the barrel in a cup of clean engine oil for 24 hours.. Never a problem since.

    SO dear reader listen - if you find that you have to JIGGLE the key (in.out/left.right) to turn the key - take the front plastic off , with the key in the ON position (engine off, yeah?) press a little metal button under the ignition barrel, slide it out and soak it in oil, occassionally turning the key left and right and really work that oil in. - oh, and take the key fob off, oh, and get a spare key cut, and oh test the new key on a door or something first..

    Experience is learning from your own mistakes, wisdom is learning from others.

    What did you finally do then?

    Where did you get a barrel and 2 keys for 25 quid?

    What did you do about door locks?

