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Starter Motor Symptoms Help please

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  • Starter Motor Symptoms Help please

    Ive armed myself with all the info on this site on starter motor problems for the 4runner. Shortly Ill pull out the starter and apply the appropriate repair kit (battery terminal Im guessing from the site info).

    One thing I didnt understand though is the explaination for ALL the symptoms Im getting on my 1992 4runner sr5 V6 efi 150,000 kms, which I cant seem to fully explain with a starter motor stuffed battery terminal :

    Increasingly the motor just clicks when I try to start it. No engine turning at all. Common enough symptoms I believe. Occasionally it will turn the engine very slowly then stop. BUT if I hang my head out of the window, I can just hear a faint whirring noise - the starter spindle sounds like its turning under no load at all (and it cant have load, the engine isnt turning at all).

    Now thats what puzzles me. Wouldnt that mean the starter clutch is faulty, or is it the case that if the terminals are worn out, low voltage reaching the actual motor would cause the clutch not to operate properly ? Certainly the occasional slow turning engine implies at least a very bad contact - but I just cant understand why the starter spindle would turn without turning the engine whatsoever from just a faulty terminal ? In the back of my mind Im wondering if its more than a worn terminal. Certainly the clutch works when the starter operates correctly (70% of the time), and when it turns the engine very slowly (5% of the time), but something is causing it not to engage on those times the engine isnt turning, or even trying to.

    I accept from others more experienced on this site that most likely I have a faulty battery side terminal, it sounds common enough - but can anyone explain from experience/greater wisdom the whirring noise and how that is explained away by the same fault ?

    Hoping there's someone out there can answer this one for me !! ???


    (PS Some Toyota agents are quite unhelpful with kit parts arent they !! All knowledge of repair kits is denied until I quoted the part numbers from this site at them. Although I have yet to pull the starter and check, Ive discovered the starter motor, battery terminal kit for a sr5 V6 (3VZE engine 8/88 thru 8/93 ) is 28226-72080, and starter motor, motor terminal kit is 28226-77010 if anyone need them. I couldnt find those particular numbers on this site).

  • #2
    I had this problem, turns out it was just the starter solenoid brushes that needed replacing. The easiest thing to do is to strip it out/down and service it.
    Are you ok with how to get it out?? (I'm not going to insult your intelligence but there is a certain way to do it)


    • #3
      Originally posted by rusty
      (I'm not going to insult your intelligence.....)
      Oh, go on, your normally so good at it..................

      I'd pull the motor anyway, then bench test it with some jump leads. It'll probably need a the contacts doing anyway, so you've got nothing to lose.

      Are you ok with how to get it out?? (I'm not going to insult your intelligence but there is a certain way to do it)
      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #4
        Thanks for the speedy reply - Im pulling the starter off tomorrow (tonight AUS time - probably just before you read this !). That's what I was after, someone who has experienced this and fixed it !! I guess the solenoid contacts are not getting enough power to the motor to turn it fast enough for the clutch to always operate correctly.

        Ill pull it out and check the obvious and run it on the bench (bet it turns every time on the bench though !!).

        No I havent pulled the starter out before, only read on this site ... so its fiddly, I need a ring spanner or uni joint, extensions and a degree of patience. For only two bolts it cant be as fiddly as the clutch was (surely ! ?) ..... The bench mark seems to be about 20 mins in, 20 mins fix and 20 mins refit IF you know how to remove it beforehand. So Ill be heading for slightly longer, unless you have any fast tips (that I read before tomorrow am AUS time !!). My 4runner has a 1 inch body lift which should help quite significantly I think.

        many thanks

        (PS no insult to intelligence at all. Im still searching for it in fact, but if I find it and its insulted Ill let you know ... but until Im an expert instead of a Jack of All Trades Im always happy to take advice/suggestions - and lets face it if I was already an expert/didnt want advice I wouldnt have needed to post this !!!!
        Last edited by Fat Terry; 5 January 2005, 00:11.


        • #5

          Just wanted to pass on my thanks for your help. Pulled the starter out, replaced the solenoid battery side contact and fixed the problem. All for $au25. The starter was a little fiddly to get out, but nothing too hard in my opinion.

          Many thanks !!


          • #6
            Damm. I knew I should have gone with the insult!!

            As for you TonyN, any more derogatory comments and it'll be handbags at 10 paces
            Last edited by rusty; 17 January 2005, 09:39.
            NO WORRIES!

