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LED Dash

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  • LED Dash

    Not wishing to hi-jack the other thread on dash bulbs so...
    When the new dials come and the dash is apart - presuming i like the dials and decide to fit I also want to replace every dash bulb too. Does anyone have/make a list of what type of bulbs I will need to complete this, I will be changing to blue to match the dials/radio I have fitted and maybe the odd red one.
    Would like to use LEDS if I can unless there is a better/cheaper way...?
    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat

  • #2
    What a FAB site. I can see me doing buisyness wid em for the Surf and for work!

    Cant wait for the brainiacs to tell us which ones to buy!
    Lifes for smileing at! when ya Surf's not broke!


    • #3
      I've often thought of using LED's instead of lamps. Once the cost would have been prohibitive but they are relatively cheap now. Each LED will need a current limiting resistor in one leg but I believe that automotive ones are now available with a resistor already fitted.

      Try having a look at Maplins or RS Components online catalogues for some ideas.
      It's only a hobby!


      • #4
        If it has two leads and is for soldering onto a board, then it needs a resister

        If its got a body, then the voltage it needs will be quoted in spec and you dont have to worry about secondary components

        We have had 6V, 12V, 24V etc LED bulb equivalents in industry for years

        Just fitted 1200 of them on current Project @ £28 each (SBC base)

        May sound expensive, but to hire a maintenance guy to change bulb for 30 mins every 2000 hours would get a lot more expensive

        Ive been fitting/specifying them for 10 years, and cant remember one ever failing

        Multi clusters are best, so even if one LED fails, you'll never even notice!
        Lifes for smileing at! when ya Surf's not broke!


        • #5
          I want these between the side steps and the sills on my Surf if only to out-nob the chavs LOL I'll show 'em w*nker lights.


          I didn't realise that the LED technology had come such a long way. I suppose its my fault for being stuck in a dinasaur industry. I'm still repairing TTL driven dot matrix signs!!!!!!!!! They used to be fun to borrow for a disco in the late 70s - early 80s.
          It's only a hobby!


          • #6
            Damn, it doesn't save the product when you cut and past the link. I want the ultra bright rectangular LED ropelights on my sidesteps.
            It's only a hobby!


            • #7
              cool - it will look like a house at Christmas time.

              The LEDs on the site are specced for dash use and they have wedge bulbs too so hopefully straight swaps? Someone in the know needs to inform us!

              Ideally, all blue dash/controls and led/white interior lights and LED all round at the rear
              Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


              • #8
                There's a bit on the subject here from a while ago



                • #9
                  Hi the automotive dash bulbs look great but does anyone know how many bulbs are in the dash ie straight push in and twist and turn type , as i have not removed the dash it would be nice to know, so that you know what to order , always better to have to many than not enough.


                  • #10
                    Another site you can try is www.ultraleds.co.uk. I've bought some auto leds from them & the've got loads on thier site for all uses.

                    have a good new year everyone.
                    [SIZE=5]martin [/SIZE]
                    [B][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=lime]Where Pilgrims climb may grecians fall[/COLOR][/FONT][/B]


                    • #11
                      yep good site - cheaper i think than the one i listed but Im still none the wiser as to what bulbs I need for the dash? I havent a clue what they are even likely to be yet! HELP ME!!!!
                      By the way, Is anyone else replacing bulbs for the new dials? Will we need blue bulbs or will standard bulbs make it look like the artwork supplied from the US? - Just a thought
                      Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                      • #12
                        If you are thinking of replacing the bulbs that illuminate the instruments theres no point . the new dial faces totally cover the old dials and you can't see (or need) the illumination from the existing dash bulbs, except for the needles, and they are orange coloured anyway.

                        I recently fitted electroluminescent dials to my wifes MX5 so know this to be case.

                        No point in changing the warning lights for anything other than white as they have coloured filters in the panel. It's a sensible idea to replace all the bulbs when you have the dash out as a matter of course as you bet your life, when you get it back together one will have burned out!!


                        • #13
                          How about these???

                          Ok. I've got a few of the switch bulbs out e.g. the rear window up/down switch and today removed the tiny bulb in the grey plastic holder and then unwound the bulb from the holder and removed. I want to replace these bulbs with led's - has anyone done this and if so do you think these are a direct fit? : http://www.ultraleds.co.uk/product_i...43e4b41951b667
                          without the need for a resistor?

                          If not how about winding in a normal LED and placing the resistor in the light power feed cable before the switch?? - anyone know which of the 4 wires this is?


                          • #14
                            I think this will help you:

                            There you can see where to buy the led bulbs, I'm anxious but... Anybody knows how many bulbs of every type do we need?

                            '94 4Runner 3.0TD - SAS'ed on 35's

