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Tracking dispair!

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  • Tracking dispair!

    It seems no matter where I get my tracking/alignment done it goes out before I've even got home! There is obviously some underlying issue but can't seem to find anyone interested in looking at it and fixing it. Anybody know anyone in this field?
    It's got to the point where it's a battle just to drive to the shops! Drove to the Alps last year and needed two days off when I got back as I was knackered from stress of wrestling the wheel I think my wavey style fitted in well with the local French traffic though!
    Would also love a recommendation for a pro garage/mechanic local to Reading that won't whinge when I turn up in my truck (some mechanics seem genuinely scared of these surfs!).

  • #2
    Moved to General

    Hi I have moved this question to Technical General - Thanks


    • #3
      After having my lower wishbone replaced I had my tracking, caster n camber done all in one go locally at STS ....

      See here http://www.4x4toys.co.uk/
      Good Luck

      14+ Years of Surfs .... n Faultless to a "T" is my Yota !! So I got another ....
      Buncefield Burner


      • #4
        Just had mine done at ATS they downloaded the information for the truck, and it was spot on, they did the camber as well


        • #5
          If it's weaving all over the place have you checked the steering column, track rods and rack?.
          If you have a knacked bush somewhere it'll be hard to get the tracking right.
          You'll need to get it up on a 2 post lift to take the weight off the wheels and go round it with a big f off screwdriver levering all the ball joints and wishbone bushes to see if anything moves excessively. Are the tyres wearing ok?
          I wouldn't bother with ShitFit maybe try ATS or try and find a 4x4 place.


          • #6
            Thanks for the replies, off to David Bray in Henley tomorrow to see if they can help. Anyone know if they're any good?


            • #7
              See Tony at Wheels in Motion, Chesham.
              Best in the country.


              • #8
                Thanks for the contact Triv, I've found a garage local to me who seems pretty competent , but I'll probably give WIM a call before I commit with this other chap, can't hurt to see what they think.


                • #9
                  Called this blackboots/wheels in motion place this morning, guy said they wouldn't touch a vehicle with big tyres, did say they would offer alignment only on a standard surf but said mainly they're only interested in performance cars.
                  Going to get it booked in with this Dave fella but have to keep looking for a alignment centre that's not scared of some little (by american standards) 33's, shame as they looked like a good outfit.


                  • #10
                    borrow some smaller wheels/tyres from someone, do the tracking, then back on the 33's
                    the wolf is always bigger when you are scared!!


                    • #11
                      Ya could try these, always accommodating ....
                      Good Luck

                      14+ Years of Surfs .... n Faultless to a "T" is my Yota !! So I got another ....
                      Buncefield Burner

