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Mixing engine oils.

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  • Mixing engine oils.

    Hey, do you know of any issue with mixing oils in the KZte? I have 7l of fully synthetic gulf competition 5w40 on the shelf that was suppost to go into the bimmer but I want to change the surf oil with it. The surf has toyota semisynth 10w40 in it at the moment.

    I know some engines get prissy with different oils inside them like the ford duratec so thought it best to ask someone with some experience of the engine. I wouldn't normally see a problem otherwise. Are there any stories of crank bearings being thrown after mixing grades or type?

    Cheers for any thoughts.

  • #2
    Oh goody an oil thread......

    might wake up a few.....
    but unlikely.

    It will be fine.
    However if you want to go full anal retentive you need to check the ash and sulphur content of the oil you want to use.


    • #3
      I think it'll take more'n that. There looks to be more life on Mars.

      The gulf is competition grade race oil, I had a chat with oilman and he just warned I would be watering down the spiffing qualities of the Gulf with the Toyota trash but that it would present no issue. Kinda what I thought but some engines have been known to get annoyed with the wrong grades in there.

      As such the truck will benefit from an oil change way above the station of a stinky old diesel because the bimmer is getting sold. All hail the mighty Derv.


      • #4
        The real kicker with dirty diesels is after you have put in your £50 of premium oil the colour is no different than the crap you have just drained out.

