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Car turns over fine but wont start!

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  • Car turns over fine but wont start!

    Hello people,

    I hope that someone can give me a simple answer here...

    I was using my surf regularly with absolutely no problems whatsoever.. she ran nice and smooth.

    I parked her up on the driveway and haven't used her for a week or 2 as i have been using my little daily driver instead.

    I went to start her up this morning and to my dismay.. no joy.. She turns over just fine, starter motor cranking over really well.. but she wont fire up.. I have given the accelerator a little press, but didn't want to flood the engine so didn't keep pressing it over and over.. but still no joy..

    Any ideas of where to start looking? Am i missing something really stupid.. do they have internal immobilizers etc?

    Thanks for any help or ideas you can throw my way.

  • #2
    are you getting the flow plug light on the dash? have you tried cycling the glow plugs? have you got power to the glow plugs?


    • #3
      Also, have the battery tested. I find that most of the times when a car doesn't start it's the battery. Either old and knackered, no battery fluid, loose connections etc.
      Good luck


      • #4
        Thanks for the suggestions guys. The batteries are full of charge hence the engine turning over fine, and my understanding of the glow plugs failing is that usually the car would struggle to start and it would be a more gradual failing rather than working fine one day, and then no life at all the next... (Please someone correct me if I'm wrong)

        My car has always started on the button on the first crank of the starter motor, she always did. However since leaving her standing for a week on the driveway(which I have done many times) she now is not firing at all... The starter motor turns just fine, I've primed the pump on the fuel filter but still no joy.


        • #5
          Does it sound like any fuel is getting to the engine? Like any hint of it trying to start or just the starter motor turning it over?

          Could be the fuel pump :/


          • #6
            Originally posted by Pablito View Post
            Thanks for the suggestions guys. The batteries are full of charge hence the engine turning over fine, and my understanding of the glow plugs failing is that usually the car would struggle to start and it would be a more gradual failing rather than working fine one day, and then no life at all the next... (Please someone correct me if I'm wrong)

            My car has always started on the button on the first crank of the starter motor, she always did. However since leaving her standing for a week on the driveway(which I have done many times) she now is not firing at all... The starter motor turns just fine, I've primed the pump on the fuel filter but still no joy.
            Glow plugs are like light bulbs, one day they can be fine next day they can blow. If one blows you might not even notice it. When 2 go you might not notice it unless it is really cold then you will!


            • #7
              there is also an 8amp fuse that could go. you need to check to see if you are getting fuel to the injectors. try bleeding them. it is possible that some air may be trapped.
              SWIFT AND BOLD


              • #8
                Hey guys, so in answer...

                I guess it doesn't sound like there is any fuel getting to the injectors at all... Like I said, turns over good and strong, but no hint of trying to fire up or spluttering etc..

                The 8amp fuse... Is this the fuse for the fuel pump? Where is it located please? Is is the small little panel by your right knee if you were sitting in the drivers seat? If so, which of these fuses is it please?

                Many thanks, I really want to get her up and running as I need to sell the beast as our new baby will be here in 6 weeks and we're moving too so a few extra quid will come in handy.


                • #9
                  The 80amp fuse is in the fuse box under the bonnet on the lefthand side ( as you look at it from the front ).
                  You'll need to remove the fuse box altogether, the 80amp fuse is held in by a screw from underneath the fuse box. You can't miss it, it's the biggest one in there.


                  • #10
                    Ok, so an update...

                    Replaced the glow plug fuse even though it looked fine, and my friend who is a mechanic had a look and reckons the glow plugs are fine.

                    We had a look at the fuel filter and disconnected the pipe which feeds the fuel pump and when you press the button on the top of the filter, the fuel pumps out fine.

                    However, when we had a look, it seems there is no fuel getting to the engine at all... We checked the bolt on the cam belt which runs the fuel pump (I think) and that is all tight and the cam belt is in good condition.... Or is it an electrical fuel pump as opposed to mechanical? If so what can we check?

                    So... My mate thinks it must be a faulty fuel pump... Can anyone suggest if it might be anything else? Or am I going to have to bite the bullet and swap it out?

                    Also, can anyone suggest where to source on from? I can't seem to find any on rough trax and I am always worried about buying parts like that from ebay as I have ended up with wrong parts in the past.

                    Thanks guys.. I really need to get her running as I we are about to move and have a baby and I need to sell her and I'd much rather sell her running obviously.

                    Thanks. Pabs.
                    Last edited by Pablito; 7 March 2015, 18:51.


                    • #11
                      Shame someone didn't suggest the fuel pump

                      I'd look out for someone breaking a surf and try and buy theirs. A new one will be pricey.


                      • #12
                        Lol.. Yeah.. That would have been handy! I just wanted to try the cheap things first...

                        Reading other similar threads they talk of broken o-rings and leaks round the sensor or clogged gauze's etc...

                        Any advise or suggestions for tommorow bud? We're going to have another look at it.. I really don't want to have to shell out hundreds of pounds that I don't have, just so I can sell her.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Pablito View Post
                          Hey guys, so in answer...

                          I guess it doesn't sound like there is any fuel getting to the injectors at all... Like I said, turns over good and strong, but no hint of trying to fire up or spluttering etc..
                          If you think the fuel isn't getting to the Injectors, Ya need to crack them open, one at a time to confirm that fuel is /isn't getting through !!

                          If no fuel is present, I would guess the fuel shutoff valve (On the IP) is US ....

                          13+ Years of Surfs ..... n Faultless to a "T" is my Yota !!
                          Buncefield Burner


                          • #14
                            glow plugs

                            I have a simlar problem at the moment non starter is your glow plug light working as mine does not....?.....reading with intrest


                            • #15
                              I've got a non starter problem too, here's the link to my thread, there may be something useful said in it that will help you. http://www.hiluxsurf.co.uk/showthread.php?t=83056

                              My next thing to try will be to bypass the Spill Valve cable and run a fresh cable straight to the ECU, just trying to find out which pins on which plug are the right ones.

