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Loud whine/vibration. Screech maybe.

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  • Loud whine/vibration. Screech maybe.

    When completing sharp turns. i.e turning onto a side road in 4wd i begin to hear a extremely loud screech like nothing i've heard before in any other car. I can also feel it like i high frequency vibration in the body/floor. Only happens when going slow around 20kmph. Wondering if anyone else has had a similar issue or any ideas on the subject. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    thanks, Duncan

  • #2
    Sounds like the truck is in 4WD and the transfercase is complaining.


    • #3
      Are these roads sealed, or dirt roads? If sealed, you should not be in 4WD, or you will hear crap and you will shake to bits.


      • #4
        Where I live in Canada the roads are constantly snow and ice covered at this time of year and 4wd is a necessity. I've begun to hear some softer lower pitch humm in RWD occasionally with no particular pattern. I need to check my diff and transfer case fluids when I get a chance. But I've heard other diff/case noises in other vehicles but never anything this high pitched. It seems to do it more when coasting after acceleration like an over running clutch bearing . I don't know that there is one anywhere. I'm trying to get my hands on a factory service manual. I found one for the 3.0 Diesel engine in PDF format if anyone wants.

        Thanks for the replies , Duncan

