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Another 3rd Gen Cylinder Head bites the dust

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  • Another 3rd Gen Cylinder Head bites the dust

    Happy New Year etc, etc. After owning my truck for nearly 10 years the coolant has decided to exit via the exhaust. The car has never got seriously hot, I fitted an aftermarket gauge especially. I have just completed its annual service, oil plus filter, fuel filter, rad flush and new coolant, but bubbles in the expansion tank plus lots of white sweet smelling smoke from the exhaust means the gasket at best or the head cracked at worst. I will find out on Friday, either way.
    A garage has a second hand head, but I do not know if it is complete. If it had to be rebuilt using the valve stems from mine, how would I reshim to tolerance?
    Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

  • #2
    Unless the head is costing peanuts I wouldn't bother putting a second hand one on.


    • #3
      Head or Gasket

      Hopefully on Friday I will find out which and make a decision. The main problem will be getting hold of a replacement here in Spain if I require a new head. It could be posted here, but I have no idea how much that would cost. I do have a friend driving back to Kent, but not until April. If I keep topping up the coolant, it would be possible to nurse it till then as I only drive short distances. I really hope it is the gasket


      • #4
        Originally posted by will.b View Post
        Hopefully on Friday I will find out which and make a decision. The main problem will be getting hold of a replacement here in Spain if I require a new head. It could be posted here, but I have no idea how much that would cost. I do have a friend driving back to Kent, but not until April. If I keep topping up the coolant, it would be possible to nurse it till then as I only drive short distances. I really hope it is the gasket


        • #5
          second hand cylinder head ok if you know its history, re-fitting 10 year old valve stems? That really is a receipe for disaster!


          • #6
            Cylinder Head

            Thank you for the link to AMC in Spain, that could be ideal.

            Red Barron
            Good point about the re-building, it would be better done properly, cheers.


            • #7
              Will, i re-built my 2nd gen kzn130 about 4 years ago now. Same head used as Shokenor gave you the link to and no issues whatsoever, it was done at 114,000
              miles and the odometer is now reading 253,000 miles and no issues. I did it over a weekend, take your time and be methodical it'll pay off. I still have some pictures of the rebuild if any ones interested ? Good luck.


              • #8

                Took the old head off, 3 lovely cracks between the inlet and exhaust valves on No's 2, 3 and 4. New head unwrapped. Six hours after starting repairs, she fired up first time, and sitting on 86 degrees since.

