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Here we go again... maybe...

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  • Here we go again... maybe...

    Earlier this year I had an issue with my IP, resulting in me getting a second hand one fitted. It has worked very well up until now.

    If I am driving at approx 30 mph and floor the throttle, the engine goes flat for a few seconds, I lift the throttle and press it a little slower and the engine then accelerates as expected. This problem does not happen all the time.

    I had a similar experience with the old pump but that came with the engine light and the dreaded error 14.

    I run veg oil and 10% petrol and I believe it to be clean and well filtered. I have a heated filter and flat plate heat exchanger but it still has the problem at normal running temperatures. There is no smoke.

    I have not tried the usual yet... filters, blocked pick up, run a tank of diesel through, but wondered if it could be something else perhaps? Maybe turbo? There is no unusual sound that I have noticed.

  • #2
    Fuel Problem

    Is when you disconnect the feed is there a hiss? If so you could be drawing in air from somewhere, I get this occasional problem with mine and once the feed fuel pipe is removed letting the air esacape the air vaccum is gone and the car runs ok.

    I suspect my fuel filler pickup pipe on the tank is corroded.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Yorkshire Devil View Post
      Is when you disconnect the feed is there a hiss?
      Do you mean the feed to the IP or filter?


      • #4

        THe fuel filter, a air vaccum can build up inside the filter housing.


        • #5
          I actually have two filters inline on my fuel lines so I have ordered a fuel primer bulb to replace the first filter but I'll check for airlocks first. The heated fuel filter has no primer.

          I'll also blow back down the fuel lines to clear possible blockages in the tank strainer and run with the fuel cap loose. Then I'll disconnect the fuel line from the heat exchanger and give the filter primer a few pumps to see if the fuel flows easily.

          I'll also clean the little filter in the pump.


          • #6
            I have the same intermittent problem, doesn’t seem to be the fuel flow, filters, or pump and everything else seems ok (obviously not though!). Running 100% dino & not a mix.
            The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


            • #7
              I have cleaned the little filter in the IP, which was clean anyway, so not the culprit. I changed the set up so it has only the heated filter and a primer bulb. This filter was also changed. I blew down the fuel line back to the tank and it seems clear.

              I checked for error codes and got 14, so I reset the codes (disconnected earth lead) and went out for a drive. Still not right, it sometimes accelerates as expected and then sometimes surges, dies slightly, surges again in approx 1 or 2 second bursts (sorry don't know how else to describe it!). However, when I checked the codes after my drive, there were no errors

              I am using a waste oil / petrol mix. I am careful with my fuel and settle, filter, blend it properly so am confident it is good fuel. However I have noticed the injectors and the top of the pump are leaking slightly.

              I have contacted a few injection specialists and they are all suggesting £300 - £500 to recon and install viton seals. I wonder if I should do the seals myself first to see if that solves it?


              • #8
                Apologies for the late reply but had all the seals done on mine & still the same problem....
                The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


                • #9
                  Thanks for replying! Was your pump ever stripped down?


                  • #10
                    yea the whole thing was taken to bits and reconditioned. Thought that might have been the problem too but .......
                    The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


                    • #11
                      I run my hilux on filtered wvo. Have been running various cars on wvo for the last 10 years. Mine is twin tanked with a heat exchanger fitted. I start up on diesel and once the engine is up-to temp I switch over to the veg tank.

                      I have had a similar problem. After checking for air leaks, blocked filter etc, I found it was the thickness of the oil particularly in the current weather. Try a higher blend ratio. I have been blending in this cold weather with 70% wvo and 30% diesel and it has been running fine.

                      I have tried blending with petrol up to 10% but found it ran a bit lumpy and I had poor acceleration when putting your foot down.

                      Is the problem still there if you run it on 100% diesel?


                      • #12
                        The pump has kindly been thoroughly cleaned out and refitted by our very own Vince. However, we ran into other problems that are pointing to the ECU. I have a replacement ECU on the way but the weather has delayed the parts and especially delayed me getting up to Vince on Mount Doom! Ironic... I need my Surf to get up to Vince.... but it's already there...

                        I will report findings when all is reassembled!

                        By the way, I blend with petrol which is a much better 'thinner' than diesel. I use about 15% which gets the oil nice and runny.


                        • #13
                          To conclude this thread, the IP was thoroughly cleaned but I still had low power. Topped up with diesel and the issues went away!

                          However last week, I started having power problems, even with a high ratio of diesel. I thought it would be tank filter gauze (but that turned out to be quite clean), or injection pump again.

                          Today I replaced the fuel filter and hey presto, all is running fine again. I even have a tank full of mostly WVO with 10 - 20% diesel and there is not a trace of power dropping off.

                          Time to order a few filters now...!

