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now confused!!!!!

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  • now confused!!!!!

    Here we go,
    originally thought the problems with my truck were fuel related ...now the glow plug light aint coming on nor the engine light which after reading alot of threads on here all point towards the ecu am i right in thinking this or could it be something simple i am missing....

  • #2
    Most alarms cut off the glow plugs - have you got one?


    • #3
      Nope i've got no alarm or immobilizer...any idea's


      • #4
        Originally posted by muzzy1 View Post
        Nope i've got no alarm or immobilizer...any idea's
        Slacken off the two front injectors and turn the engine over. Do you get any fuel spurting out?


        • #5
          Hi Neil,
          No mate no fuel, i tried that before but to no avail and since last time thats when no glow plug light or engine light this is why i am suspecting the ecu...


          • #6
            Get a multimeter and set it to 20v dc. Take the plug off the spill valve, turn on the ignition and measure the voltage from the ECU side of the plug. You should get 2v between the pins 12v on one wire to ground and 10v to ground on the other.
            Does the spill valve click when the ignition is turned on? Even if it does, it still could be stuck in the closed position.
            Last edited by Neil.a; 29 November 2011, 21:27.


            • #7
              Happy chappie

              don't think it was a fuel problem after all replaced the ecu and she started first time, phew thought it was going to get expensive, so bring on the snow and lets have some fun...thanks guy's for all your help.

