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Starter problem that has even the garage confused

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  • #16
    Originally posted by NiftyNev View Post
    You've got to be kidding.


    if the garage says its the alternater but it turns out they are wrong you should NOT have to pay for there mistake....they have already cocked up with changing the battery...
    there are simple checks to do to establish what the problem is before changing any parts.
    a proper garage with proper nolidge should be able to sort it out....
    if you say its the alternater change it thats your fault if its not but if they say its the alternater thats there fault....otherwise they would be changing everything with a massive bill at the end


    • #17
      I may be wrong, but I think the reason for the "you've got to be kidding" was the suggestion that the only people who know what is wrong are the garage that checked it over.
      A garage that replaces a battery and then blames a failure to start with that fresh battery on the alternator can't be trusted with washing the truck, let alone diagnosed whatever the fault is. Letting them swap new parts in at random and then squabbling about the bill later is hardly a sensible way forward.


      • #18
        Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
        I may be wrong, but I think the reason for the "you've got to be kidding" was the suggestion that the only people who know what is wrong are the garage that checked it over.
        A garage that replaces a battery and then blames a failure to start with that fresh battery on the alternator can't be trusted with washing the truck, let alone diagnosed whatever the fault is. Letting them swap new parts in at random and then squabbling about the bill later is hardly a sensible way forward.
        You got it. Saved me explaining. Thanks.



        • #19
          thats my point aswell
          a proper garage would diagnose the real problem.

          if the garage says to me after diagnostic checks you need a new alternater then they say oooops we made a mistake it only needs a 50p fuse but here's a bill for £200.
          well you know were that would end up


          • #20
            Originally posted by sketty View Post
            thats my point aswell
            a proper garage would diagnose the real problem.

            if the garage says to me after diagnostic checks you need a new alternater then they say oooops we made a mistake it only needs a 50p fuse but here's a bill for £200.
            well you know were that would end up
            Do you think that after fitting a new alternator and it not working, then replacing a fuse and fixing it, that they would tell you, remove the alternator and not charge you for the parts and the time?

            I can't see it myself.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Dodge View Post
              Do you think that after fitting a new alternator and it not working, then replacing a fuse and fixing it, that they would tell you, remove the alternator and not charge you for the parts and the time?

              I can't see it myself.
              its just an example
              im trying to say that if they do the proper checks then the problem should apear


              • #22
                Originally posted by sketty View Post
                its just an example
                im trying to say that if they do the proper checks then the problem should apear


                • #23
                  I wonder if the OP got the problem resolved?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by barney2007 View Post
                    Hi there

                    Am hoping some VERY kind folk can help me out with a problem with my Surf 3.0 diesel (KZN185). I would be enormously grateful.

                    I've been having starting problems for about two weeks. Seemed to get worse as the weather got colder until it didn't start at all. You can start it with a battery charge from another car just fine. At it's worst it would barely turn over then just die.

                    Took it to our garage and just had a chat with them. They are not sure what the problem is:

                    1. battery is fine (not surprised as just under a year old)
                    2. glow plugs are fine
                    3. alternator should be discharging 14 volts, but doing 13.5 volts

                    Now they are wondering if it's the alternator that needs replacing? although they wonder if the less than perfect perfomance is due to the battery now being very flat battery?

                    They are going to charge the battery overnight and see if that makes a difference in the morning. If no difference then they suggest a replacement alternator - any ideas where I can get a recon one from if it comes to it???

                    Does all the above sound OK to you? Is there something that has been missed/should be considered?

                    THANK YOU
                    having the same problem with my surf same model as yours. I think it is my batteries though would be interesting to know if you get to the bottom of your problem though in case when i change the batteries i still have the problem


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Rachy View Post
                      having the same problem with my surf same model as yours. I think it is my batteries though would be interesting to know if you get to the bottom of your problem though in case when i change the batteries i still have the problem
                      You may need to replace the brushes in the starter motor. Kit is available on eBay for about £20.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Rachy View Post
                        having the same problem with my surf same model as yours. I think it is my batteries though would be interesting to know if you get to the bottom of your problem though in case when i change the batteries i still have the problem
                        I got two batteries for mine 3 year back from a local garage, they were sh*t after costing £100 and wouldn't fire her up if left standing a few days, paid £180 quid to Toyota 18 months ago and had no issues since, imo some replacements even if they state correct cca etc they're just not up to the mark. H


                        • #27
                          It WAS the batteries.....now running sweet as a nut feel soooo stoooopid.


                          • #28
                            Was this problem ever resolved?

                            I am having the same problem but not sure if it is the alternator or battery.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Cyberlux View Post
                              Was this problem ever resolved?

                              I am having the same problem but not sure if it is the alternator or battery.
                              Get a drop test done on your batteries.
                              Get the alternator output checked.

