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Spill Valve adjustment and EGR vacuum pipe blanking.....

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  • Spill Valve adjustment and EGR vacuum pipe blanking.....

    Morning all,

    Having read a few threads now about the spill valve adjustment i gave it a go. 1/8th turn made no difference, 1/4 turn definately did and i can't say it significantly increased smoke as i really can't tell unless it pours out so i've left it at that for now.

    EGR valve vacuum pipe i've blocked. I haven't noticed any difference to either ECT, smoke or power one way or the other so not sure about this one. I may revert back to reconnecting the vacuum pipe.

    Before all this however i've noticed idle over the last month or so generating more engine vibration. It idles rock steady and doesn't deviate from 750rpm, but it does vibrate a bit. I've done air and fuel filter changes (old filters looked spotless and i use diesel additive every tankful since ownership), and it's not due an oil change for a bit so i've left it at that for now.

    While i was underneath greasing my nipples i noticed the gearbox mounts on the crossmember at the back of the auto box are very soft and not particularly substantial. I've not had a look at the engine mounts yet but on revving the engine by hand whilst under the bonnet the engine tends to rock quite easily.

    Could my engine mounts be on their way out or are they all like this. Just seems to vibrate a lot on tickover, even looking at the engine under the bonnet it looks to visually vibrate quite a bit. I don't remember it doing that when i first bought it, and it was definately quieter too.

    Are there uprated engine or gearbox mounts that might help the vibration, or is this something more to do with some kind of engine issue.

    Would a change of oil spec be beneficial. I'm using Halfrauds 10W40 diesel Semi Synth because i've got a trade card and get a very decent discount on all that sort of stuff including tools and consumables.

    I've carried out the disconnected battery cables procedure to see if resetting the ECU helps in any way, which i'm about to reconnect shortly.

    Any thoughts/advice on this would be appreciated.

    Cheers, Francis
    Now it's time to play!

  • #2
    I've checked for error codes just after reconnecting the batteries and after a good run. Nothing to report there.

    I've adjusted the spill valve both 1/4 turn negative and 1/4 positive whilst the engine is running and apart from seeing a lot more smoke when revving the engine on 1/4 positive turn, it did nothing to the idle.

    I cannot see any disconnected vacuum pipes or engine breather hoses anywhere apart from the EGR vacuum pipe i blanked.

    Apart from what i've checked is there anything else i can look at that's quick to diagnose good or bad.

    Otherwise I'm stuck now.
    Now it's time to play!


    • #3
      You might find you don't have a problem, a quiet engine means the injectors are knackered.

      When I fit recon injectors the engine is noticably louder and just more 'diesel' sounding. This is because you are getting a decent explosion now, with a decent spray pattern instead of it dribbling out and not burning properly.

      The injector cleaner and no EGR probably means its just running better, not something you need to fix!!!

      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #4
        Well that sounds pretty good to me. Concerned over nothing is exactly what i wanted to hear in which case I'll put the engine vibes down to normal operating conditions.

        A thousand thanks for the comments, it is very much appreciated and has put my over furtive mind at rest. I think it's going to take a while to get to know this puppy.

        There's nothing worse than wondering about little noises and other strange anomalies to put a halt to the happy experience. I think mentally i'm trying to compare this to the Jag which is quieter than most of the petrol cars i've ever driven, and doesn't sound like any diesel i've ever heard before.

        Nothing more to do now other than enjoy my truck again. Excellent!!
        Now it's time to play!


        • #5
          Originally posted by ROMEROTECH View Post

          I've adjusted the spill valve both 1/4 turn negative and 1/4 positive , .
          Which was do you turn the screw to advance or lean the pump??


          • #6
            Originally posted by Red hilux View Post
            Which was do you turn the screw to advance or lean the pump??
            Clockwise to richen, anti-clockwise to lean.
            Now it's time to play!


            • #7
              thank you

              I tried to lean it out slightly earlier. My economy has gotten worse, fuel consumption went up. I turned it the other way, economy......well wasnt any, car started getting hotter, also stupid amount of power. I had to unplug the DP chip

              After a little head scratch, what had happened was I undid that 10mm lock nut, adjusted the 5mm screw, then when I did the lock nut back up, it actually turns the whole lot, into advance.

              This morning, I undid the lock nut, leaned off the pump and just that little more than I wanted, held the screw in place, then tried to finger tight the 10mm into place, then nip it up tight.

              Car seems back to normal now, but time will tell


              • #8
                If you get any more issues just come back on and ask, there is always someone on here that knows their stuff
                Now it's time to play!


                • #9
                  thanks mate

                  will do

