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3.0 TD Error codes (1995)

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  • 3.0 TD Error codes (1995)

    Hi Guy's
    Anyone know where the list of error codes has gone.
    I keep getting the code light on and a drop in power which recovers when cold or if you just tick along for a mile or so.

    I tried the links after doing a search on error codes but they dont work anymore.


  • #2
    The codes I am getting

    I have just done a code readout I am getting
    1 pause 4 pause 4 pause 2pause then it starts again.

    Any ideas what this means???????

    The pauses are all about the same maybe 4 secs.

    Just noticed that the last pair ( 4 2 ) codes are also repeated by the OD off light.......
    Last edited by johnsiddle; 16 April 2011, 12:45.


    • #3
      Found some

      Found these codes on an Australian site

      I think my fault was the little filter behind the fuel temp sensor.

      seems OK now


      • #4
        you didn't to look as far as Oz!!

        they are all on the forum here!

        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #5
          Assuming the breaks between 4 and 4 and 2 and 1 is longer than the ones between 1 and 4 and 4 and 2, your codes are 14 and 42.
          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


          • #6

            Thanks Guy's
            Tony I did search the site for ECU error codes and just error codes and all the links that came up ended in a 404 error including one of yours.

            I sort of thought that 14 and 42 might be the faults and after finding the Oz site I went for the 42 code, one of the cures said clogged filter.
            I decided that since the engine faulted on both Bio and Dino (separate filters) the common one was the little thimble filter on the pump. The engine only seemed to fault on accelleration so again I thought this little filter,
            I have cancelled all codes now so the very next time it fails I will check straight away.

            Thanks again.

