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  • problem!!

    After problems with warning lights it gets worse!! ordered new alternater so hopefully that will fix that, now it looks like ive got a water leak( puddle under front of engine) does alternater affect water pump??

  • #2
    could be the rad, hoses or the water pump but it needs finding, none of these trucks can have coolant problems so I'd suggest some serious investigation before driving anywhere, you have looked in the rad haven't you?

    If its full to the filler neck and you still keep a constant level in the header bottle your luck could be in and its just a bit water running from the bash plate or elsewhere, but, till you look properly you'll never know. H


    • #3
      Thanks H.
      Yes Rad is full aswell as level is right in header tank. If it is comming from bash plate where does it come from before that?!
      It all new to me very confusing!!!


      • #4
        the water pump can affect the alternator - the puddle could be a worn pump causing a wet belt which makes the alternator pulley slip - hence the warning lights.a worn pump usually only drips at first.
        the pump wouldnt have to leak much for the belt to slip so your water levels will look ok for a while. if it is the water pump it will get worse and eventually leak like a tap.
        it worth checking it out hope that helps.


        • #5
          cheers. all advice helps!!!

          surf is booked into garage on wed so will keep u posted.


          • #6
            Just check make sure it's not the aircon, it's capable of producing a large puddle.


            • #7
              Yes, if you accidently click the aircon on it has a drain on the bulkhead passenger side which runs water when you stop/park, other than that, in these temps, frost thawing or just water which enters the engine bay as you go through puddles could drip overnight/parked situation and look like a leak, thing is with liquid of any sort, blood for example, looks a lot more than it is once its under your car or with blood, running onto the white shirt from a cut on your head. H


              • #8
                problem update

                Thanks for all advice.
                All looking good so far!! Timming belts etc have been changed, new altenater and belts fitted.water levels are good and no more puddles!!

