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3.0 TD Surf 1994 Turbo Replacement

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  • 3.0 TD Surf 1994 Turbo Replacement

    Hello Gents,

    I have a faulty bearing in my turbo and this is causing it to spit apparently and also make a noise like squeaking whenever turbo operates.

    I have bought a turbo from a used parts dealer, gave me 6 months guarrantee.

    I have it booked to be replaced on wednesday, have bought an oil filter and 8 lt of oil because you need to change the oil at the same time but I dont know if I need to buy any new gaskets, or other bits needed to fit the turbo?

    Thanks in advance forn the help,


  • #2
    get a new sump bung washer aswell incase the old one is knackered.I think my old 3.0 only took about 6.5l of oil


    • #3
      Originally posted by stormforce View Post
      get a new sump bung washer aswell incase the old one is knackered.I think my old 3.0 only took about 6.5l of oil
      Thanks mate, will do.
      Will I need the gasket set though for the turbo or can i do without?




      • #4
        i would personally fit new gaskets where required and until the old turbo is off you won't know which ones you will need.You will need most of those in that kit though like i said in your other thread.I paid about £60 for the gaskets from Toyota and i never had as many as in that kit


        • #5
          Originally posted by stormforce View Post
          i would personally fit new gaskets where required and until the old turbo is off you won't know which ones you will need.You will need most of those in that kit though like i said in your other thread.I paid about £60 for the gaskets from Toyota and i never had as many as in that kit
          Hello Richard / Forum,

          Thank you very much for your input and help, Richard thanks for the phone call also.

          The turbo was replaced successfully and the exhaust / manifold gasket, goes really well now, no noise, turbo works fine, no blowing

          I have a new noise though, I would appreciate your comments.

          I can hear sometimes, especially in the beginning of starting and driving the car (first 5 mins) in front of the dashboard, from the back of the engine, like water gargling/circulating...Is that normal?
          My tempoerature is always good....


          • #6
            hows the coolant level? (in the rad, not the expansion tank) gurgling noises from the heater matrix can be low coolant, or it maybe part blocked and just something you'll have to live with.

            But check the coolant first.
            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


            • #7
              As Tony said.When the turbo is removed there are water pipes aswell there so there could be some coolant loss from that


              • #8
                Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                As Tony said.When the turbo is removed there are water pipes aswell there so there could be some coolant loss from that
                Hello Tony, Richard,

                Thank you for the input. I suspect my mechanic would have checked that but probably no. Will chack myself do I dont go back this week.
                Sorry, I am an amateur wit 4 x 4 cars, can you please clarify:

                I shall check the coolant level on the rad, in front of the engine yeah? does it have a transparent tank like most cars where you check the level?
                What do I put in if I need to top up? Deionised water?

                One other question gents:

                Yesterday I was coming up to Buxton from London, halfway through the trip, the car kinda lost power when the M1 goes a bit uphill, like the turbo was not working...? but no noises or anything else. How does it feel when the turbo stops working? Is there a case of the turbo stopping by the ECU for a bit and then gling back on? How can a turbo fail? Also, I have heard, Should I leave the car switched on for a minute, when not moving, after a trip or commute, before switching off the engine, to let the turbo cool down?

                Thanks again for your help gents.


