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4WD mode

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  • 4WD mode

    I notice that this thread:


    is not working. It should be the guide to use of the 4WD system. I would like to know how to use and best practices for each setting and what the lights mean (green wheel and orange middle dot indicators on the dashboard)

    Basic stuff, but I don't have a manual!

  • #2
    Pretty simple really.

    Go everywhere in 2WD, press the button for 4WD if its slippery. If you're offroad and / or its very very slippery, lock your centre diff.

    I'm sure someone will be along with a much more thorough explanation soon.
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #3
      4 WD problems

      I recently did engage the 4WD mode ( for first time in the three years I have owned this 1996 3 litre Surf ) to get up a hill in snow.

      It worked great, while all around me were slithering and sliding and casting envious looks ......

      However, disengaging it was problematic. Sometimes it would, sometimes it wouldn't respond..... Eventually I got it to work.

      Then another time, I risked it again and this time I couldn't get it to engage the 4WD. Then when I tried to go back to 2 WD it wouldn't...... ( This time I was holding up traffic .... )

      Somehow I got it to engage and move but have not tried to drive it in 4WD since.

      Q. is : am I doing something wrong or is it broken ?

      When I had a 1991 2.4 litre diesel in Africa I often had occasion to use the 4WD and never had these probs.. ( So I don't think it's me).


      • #4
        Once you press the button, to engage or disengage 4wd, take your foot off the gas and then re-apply.
        Alternatively, just leave it in awd (button in) until the snow clears as you have a 3rd gen.


        • #5
          Ah, that's what I was wondering as the guy that sold it to me said not to leave it in 4wd. The only disadvantage of leaving it in 4WD would be fuel consumption, wear and tear etc? Oh and the orange light is the centre lock on or off is it?

          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
          Once you press the button, to engage or disengage 4wd, take your foot off the gas and then re-apply.
          Alternatively, just leave it in awd (button in) until the snow clears as you have a 3rd gen.


          • #6
            When the orange light is on, it means the centre diff is locked, not good for on the road. To be honest you won't need the centre diff locked unless you were doing some extreme off-roading, or if you want a crawler gear when driving down an icy hill. It then acts like automatic hill decent mode.

            AWD (four green lights) is ok to use on road, I haven't noticed any drop in economy and I've had mine switched on for three weeks now.

            Did you get your truck from Capels?


            • #7
              Yes I did get it from Capels. They imported it originally and the guy that owned it traded it in for a newer Disco. Saw it on Ebay and took the family up for a test drive. For a 15 year old car it is in great condition! I traded in my 14 year old Merc E300 estate and the Surf absolutely beats it hands down on quality of the bodywork. Starting is much snappier too.

              As you are in South Wales, where are the places that I can go to get work done? I'm in the Cardiff area.


              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
              Did you get your truck from Capels?


              • #8
                I do all my own work on Surfs, I have a 1991 4.0 V8 and a 2001 2.7 petrol, so I don't know of any garages near your neck of the woods that are competent at working on Surfs..
                I'm only 5 mins from Capels, it was there that I first saw a Surf back in 2003. They had a yard full of them then, but mostly sell vans now.


                • #9

                  Do you do general maintenance or repairs for the 'public'? Two things that I want to first... 1 - waxoyl the underside and any panels / cavities that need it and 2 - get someone to give a good look at it and see if there are any nasties waiting in the future for me. I might even be able to get Capels to sort out any immediate issues while I have a limited warranty. Gladly pay for the assessment too!


                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                  I do all my own work on Surfs, I have a 1991 4.0 V8 and a 2001 2.7 petrol, so I don't know of any garages near your neck of the woods that are competent at working on Surfs..
                  I'm only 5 mins from Capels, it was there that I first saw a Surf back in 2003. They had a yard full of them then, but mostly sell vans now.

