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Something getting hot

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  • Something getting hot


    Was coming back from Wales yesterday, programmed the Satnav to send me the shortest route and got to see some lovely scenery. howevere as the Title of the post says after about 10 - 30 mins of hard driving i think i got my brakes a little hot.

    I pulled over and put the Autobox into Low gear and let the engine slow me down rather than my Brakes. after a little while everything cooled down and i got brakes back.

    I know the size of the Surf is a little more than i am used to but is this something that happens often?
    Always room for more power!!!!

  • #2

    sounds like the brake fluid boiled or got near. When this happens the air in the fluid gets complressed and no brakes.

    Could also be cheap front brake pads - if it's an auto (which they mostly are) then the front brakes do a lot of what engine braking does for you in a manual

    When was the fluid and the pads last changed?

    hope this helps

    I'm not overweight, I'm undertall!

