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Help please.... breather oil leak

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  • Help please.... breather oil leak

    Hi....I'm new on this forum and I've recently bought an L plate manual Surf. I did notice a slight oil leak from the engine before closing the deal, and assumed it as maybe a sump gasket or something relatively easy to sort. Closer inspection shows engine oil emerging from a breather tube that appears to run from the upper rear engine area down the passenger side of engine between starter and injector pump. Unfortunately not much space to see and loadsa tubes and pipes, so I managed to snap the breather tube trying to trace where it comes from.

    Any info on what this breather does and whether a small oil dischage (4 or 5 drips overnight after a run) might be a serious issue would be appreciated. Is the breather from the turbo, or rocker cover or crankcase??

    I'm getting a bad feeling that this may indicate expensive engine overhaul involving rings valves etc. and I'm holding on to my old Discovery meantime till the issue is resolved or I'm reassured it's not terminal. Engine runs sweet and quietly with lots of power. I can live with a few oil drips, but I'd rather not have any....Keith
    Last edited by poseidon; 5 April 2010, 20:22.
    Ahhh....skinned knuckles and heavy hammers...

  • #2
    That sounds like the drain pipe that stops oil from going everywhere when you change the oil filter. It's doing what it should kind of, just clean all around the filter base and keep an eye on it to see if you have a leak at the filter connection. (if you do just fit a new filter)



    • #3
      Hi Rob - thanks for that, which sounds hopeful. I have a flush-out and oil change planned this week, including filter change (maybe timing belt too if I'm feeling energetic). I didn't know there was a drain from the filter assembly. It'll maybe stop oil from the filter area spreading around the top end, but it sure splatters it around the underbody and sump where the breather/drain ends.

      Ahhh....skinned knuckles and heavy hammers...


      • #4

        edited as misread the post...
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Thanks for the pic Wishbone.
          I had assumed it was a breather rather than a drain and the continuing drips of oil may indicate the oil filter is not sealing or seated properly, I suppose. It looks like a simple 'spin-off' filter, with no means of attaching a spanner, like in the diagram you posted. Should be easier to see when I get the filter off, and as I've managed to snap the drain off just above the injector pump, I'll need to replace it.

          Ahhh....skinned knuckles and heavy hammers...


          • #6
            Thats the tool the toyota dealers use. Us mortals use bare hands or a chain wrench..


            • #7
              i shouldn't worry to much about that pipe.As Rob said once the filter is off then just clean the housing and fit a new filter


              • #8
                Yes, at least the filter looks easily accessible at top of the engine.
                I'm pretty relieved to know that it's a simple oil spill draining pipe rather than crankcase overpressure or valve leakage into rocker cover, blowing out oil or some other nightmare problem.
                Thanks for help and comments.....Keith
                Ahhh....skinned knuckles and heavy hammers...

