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What are the wires on the primer pump for?

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  • What are the wires on the primer pump for?

    As part of the ongoing saga of the Surf that wouldn't start, I've just unpacked a primer pump I got from eBay. It supposedly came from a KZM130 but my own pump has two wires sticking out of the top that plug into the wiring loom. The "new" one doesn't have these.

    What do these wires do, and can I fit the replacement, leaving the plugs disconnected? I can't imagine it's very important but I really don't want a dash full of annoying lights.

    I feel like a mug because there was no picture on eBay and the seller wasn't answering any of my questions, but because the model number in the description matched I expected the pump to be the same. I suspect this one might actually be off a 2.4l.

  • #2
    your old primer has the built in fuel heater so thats what the wires are for.
    You can use the new primer but make sure you tape the old wires up to stop water getting in


    • #3
      Many thanks once again. I'll fit the primer tonight and let's hope this works. It's getting old having to pump my ride every time I go somewhere.

      I should have realised the pump might be different, as my Surf has the Winter Pack fitted. I take it I'm not going to need it in the UK?


      • #4
        some surfs had the heated fuel heaters as it depended where in Japan the trucks came from as the northern part (i think it is) is colder than the southern areas.
        The heated primer is ok if you run veg oil but you can fit an after market fuel heater inline with the cooling system


        • #5
          The saga continues...

          Got home. Took old pump off. Went to fit new pump. Holes in body don't line up with bolts on bracket. Damn.

          Never mind - it doesn't matter because the !"£$%^ thing doesn't actually work anyway.

          My old pump at least works enough to prime the system as long as I pump it each trip. This one does nothing. Just to be sure I wasn't being a biff I put the old one back on and it filled the filter in a few pumps. It seems to have a slow leak as the longer you leave the truck the longer it takes to re-prime.

          I'll continue the search for a working pump.

