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Suggestions please

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  • Suggestions please

    Hi All

    I wonder if any of you knowledgeable lot could shed any light on my situation please?

    After buying my truck approx 18 months ago and getting used to driving it, I noticed that there was an obvious lack of power once things had warmed up. From cold there doesn't seem to be a problem....press the go pedal and it responds quite happily, but once everything is warmed up its a different matter....more go pedal needed to reach the same speeds. I've read as many posts here as I can find regarding things like vacuum pipes etc and although I'm not 100% sure what I'm looking at, or for, everything under the bonnet would seem to be in order with no loose or split pipework of any kind that I can see. I've replaced the fuel and air filters and also drained and replaced around 5ltrs of ATF from the gearbox on two occasions (a month or so apart). It was also suggested by a friend of a friend that there may be a sticking valve so I had that checked out by Stevo in Stockport who found nothing. Again when cold, oil pressure seems to reach around half scale at 2000rpm but struggles to reach the first mark on the scale once warmed up no matter how far down I press the go pedal. Once or twice I've also noticed an obvious smell of burning in the cab when traveling up long inclines so I was wondering if my problem could be auto gearbox related? Another suggestion that has recently been made was to place the truck in D(rive) facing up an incline to see if the truck rolled backwards.......it did, slowly!

    This really is doing my head in now as I'd intended doing quite a few long runs and offroad driving (shooting on moorland) with this truck, but I can't really take the chance of getting stranded in the middle of nowhere if she should break down altogether.

    Any and all suggestions are appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    If at first you don't succeed,
    Destroy all evidence that you even tried.

  • #2
    Just wondering if its the torque converter rather than the gearbox but someone more in the know will surely be along to answer right.If its the torque converter then i have a decent one here if needed


    • #3
      Hello again Richard,

      Thanks for that mate. I really do hope someone can point a finger at the culprit once and for all as I'd like nothing more than to get the truck running as it should. One other thing I forgot to mention previously was that selecting any of the drive positions when cold is quite smooth with hardly any movement in the truck. Once she's warmed up though there is a more definite clunk and the truck will jerk. After short distances the jerk doesn't seem too bad but seems to get worse after a decent run of 20 miles or more.

      By the way Richard, have you decided how many Black Puddings you want sending yet?

      If at first you don't succeed,
      Destroy all evidence that you even tried.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Alamo View Post
        Hello again Richard,

        Thanks for that mate. I really do hope someone can point a finger at the culprit once and for all as I'd like nothing more than to get the truck running as it should. One other thing I forgot to mention previously was that selecting any of the drive positions when cold is quite smooth with hardly any movement in the truck. Once she's warmed up though there is a more definite clunk and the truck will jerk. After short distances the jerk doesn't seem too bad but seems to get worse after a decent run of 20 miles or more.

        By the way Richard, have you decided how many Black Puddings you want sending yet?

        you must be joking ...
        when the atf was changed was the levels checked correctly with the engine running and then the selector moved between the gears several times and then the level checked


        • #5
          I can't think why, but I'll take that as a "NO" then to the Black Puds. You just can't beat stuffing a Black Pud with mustard into your face while walking around the shops on a Saturday morning in Bury. At least it takes my mind off the fact that I am with the one who spends all the cash.

          Yes I've checked, checked and re-checked the ATF level. I've taken the truck for a run, gone through every position with gear selector after parking up - level has been approx 1mm from upper mark on the dipstick each time. Infact I've lost count of how many times I've checked that now.
          If at first you don't succeed,
          Destroy all evidence that you even tried.


          • #6
            where's that miserable git been to lately by the way Joymic


            • #7
              I think they've turned Gypsy. Each time I call Mick they are sat on some site in their caravan trying to drown themselves in Stella and Red Wine.
              If at first you don't succeed,
              Destroy all evidence that you even tried.


              • #8
                It could be the stator seized in the torque converter take it into your local auto specialist and get them to do a stall test it should not take more then a couple of minutes.
                Last edited by steved; 7 January 2010, 10:13.
                ionic SURFactant


                • #9
                  Thanks for that steved

                  I'll make enquiries about auto specialists and do as you suggest. I only know of one place locally but won't be using them under any circumstances. A cousin of mine used this place for repair a minor fault to an auto box in her volvo.....two months later after dozens of phone calls and excuses from the company, she got the car back with a bill for £1200. The car didn't even get her home after she'd collected it but clattered to a halt less than a mile away from their workshop. This was over two years ago and my cousin is still fighting the case but I will be naming and shaming them when its all over.


                  If at first you don't succeed,
                  Destroy all evidence that you even tried.


                  • #10

                    Called here today to ask about seized stator as steved suggested. Unfortunately the owner, a very helpful and friendly guy, said that my problem sounded more likely to be engine rather than gearbox related. He also said that a siezed stator would be very obvious indeed because my truck wouldn't even have the grunt to mount the pavement without help. He suggested getting the engine checked out before going any further and refered me to this company . Anyone had any dealings with them......good or bad?

                    If at first you don't succeed,
                    Destroy all evidence that you even tried.


                    • #11
                      If you are talking engine issues why not go to the best - Stevo http://www.hiluxsurf.co.uk/members_p...evo/index.html

                      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                      • #12
                        Been there as mentioned in my original post.
                        If at first you don't succeed,
                        Destroy all evidence that you even tried.

