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Starting / Running problem

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  • Starting / Running problem

    I must once again pick the brains of this most educated forum

    the truck in question is a 3.0lt TD SSRX N reg with 66,000 on the clock.

    ok lads truck has been running fine but noticed over a period of a few days it was taking longer to turn over and it was not cold either so should not be a factor. Then 2 days ago it took ages to turn over giving off loads of smoke and the idle went down to about 550 revs and was stuttering like it was going to cut out, which it did then took ages to start again. By ages I mean about 15 to 20 seconds.

    I managed to drive it home although it was dodgy whenever I slowed down as it started to stutter and look to cut out again.

    Now it turns over for ages and wont start at all. I had a mate look at it he checked to see if diesal was leaking and that it was getting to the engine etc through injectors and all seemed fine.

    Based on reading I suspect possible glow plug problem as the smoke and low idle speed issues seem to point to this. Does anyone have any advice or thoughts on this ?

    I have checked so far ( thanks Richard ) the glow plug relay its clicking ok fuse ok, the injectors spraying ok, fuel filter all tight no leaks. No hissing from fuel cap on open.

    I have ordered new glow plugs from roughtrax as I have had the truck 3 years and dont think they were done prior to me getting it either so it wont do any harm and hopefully it will help.

    Currently as of tonight the truck is starting after very lengthy turnover and pushing the accelerator pedal hard but it wobbles about on 500 rpm tickover barely staying running and I cannot put it into drive or reverse as it just cuts out altogether then.

    Any thoughts / suggestions in the meantime ?

  • #2
    Fuel filter choked? Glow plugs won't make any difference once the truck is running.
    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


    • #3
      Originally posted by Albannach View Post
      Fuel filter choked? Glow plugs won't make any difference once the truck is running.
      thanks for the reply, yes I know the glow plugs are hopefully going to solve my starting problem and help the idle tickover it was something I was thinking of doing anyway and a few people have advised me to get them done in relation to the trucks problems.

      As for the fuel filter being choked I dont think it is as it pumps through to the injectors on priming it, also if you flick the fast idle on it ticks over fine revs fine just when you put it into Drive or Reverse it stutters and cuts out. Is there a way I can check for sure ?

      My mate thinks it is still electrical related due to the above but he is going to take off the fuel filter for a good look at it either today or tomorrow.

      If it still is not working after that and the glow plug replacement I am fast running out of options I was thinking of getting my home start to visit and see if they have a diagnostic tool to get some error code but I dont know he will find anything as I have prob reset the system when I onhooked the batteries for a couple of hours.
      Last edited by snakeguy; 3 August 2009, 11:06.


      • #4
        just an update on this as I ended up having to get it picked up and dropped off at a local garage, recovery guy listened to it for 10 seconds and said one of the cylinders is off most likely a bad injector and low and behold he was right apparently.

        The garage tried forte cleaner 1st but no luck so sourced injectors from stormforce thanks again mate, hopefully once they replace the injectors that will be it. Nothing showed on the diagnostic by the way as they were luckily the only garage within closish distance that had the connection for it.

        I will update this again post injector refit with results just for future info for anyone else.


        • #5
          I'll get them sorted asap for you Andy once i'm back from Eastbourne.You should have them Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest i should think


          • #6
            Originally posted by stormforce View Post
            I'll get them sorted asap for you Andy once i'm back from Eastbourne.You should have them Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest i should think
            thanks mate, if you can manage for Tuesday that would be fine , I am currently walking to work


            • #7
              Where in Scotland are you?
              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


              • #8
                Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                Where in Scotland are you?
                A place called Livingston in west lothian area.


                • #9
                  I'm in Denny.
                  Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                    I'm in Denny.

                    is that Falkirk ? that's not far if it is then mate come and fix my surf


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by snakeguy View Post
                      just an update on this as I ended up having to get it picked up and dropped off at a local garage, recovery guy listened to it for 10 seconds and said one of the cylinders is off most likely a bad injector and low and behold he was right apparently.

                      The garage tried forte cleaner 1st but no luck so sourced injectors from stormforce thanks again mate, hopefully once they replace the injectors that will be it. Nothing showed on the diagnostic by the way as they were luckily the only garage within closish distance that had the connection for it.

                      I will update this again post injector refit with results just for future info for anyone else.
                      update post refit of replacement injectors.

                      Thats new glow plugs fitted , replaced injectors and still one cylinder down its getting more costly as I go here.
                      The mechanic thinks it must be a valve issue possibly sticking valve but says he wants to do a pressure test 1st to check the head and gasket and also will confirm for him before he goes taking the head off as that is a big job and I am quoted at 350 quid for that by itself to remove and refit head.

                      anyway I will update in a couple of days when I know more.

                      hacked off and very cranky right now


                      • #12
                        Hope you get it sorted Andy and keep fingers crossed its a cheap fix


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                          Hope you get it sorted Andy and keep fingers crossed its a cheap fix
                          thanks Richard I really hope it is but the way things have been going I am expecting the worst so anything less than that might just be bearable.


                          • #14
                            update post:

                            well Head had to come off and get skimmed as the head gasket was blown across two cylinders. Luckily the head skim just made it any more and it would have been goosed with pistons etc

                            So new head gasket set £131.00 Glow Plugs £40 Injectors £40 Cylinder Head Skim £70 Labour for Head strip and rebuild £350.00 The garage initially did not want to do the job but one of the guys there done one on a surf before so he was delegated

                            Ouch and holy fu*k springs to mind.

                            Cant fault the garage though they have been very quick should get my truck back tomorrow and am looking forward to getting it all healed up and perkier than before.

                            Just surprised it ran at all with 2 whacked injectors and a blown head gasket lol

                            Hopefully that will give me some trouble free motoring for a while with the radiator blown last time , then the alternator went now its had a decent over haul I am hoping to get back to remembering why I bought the truck cash as a present to myself.

