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viscous fan vs electric fan??

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  • viscous fan vs electric fan??

    i have just finished replacing my cracked head, and while i was putting it back together i realized that my viscous fan wasn't working properly. i live in Canada and i'm unable to order a new viscous fan for the 3.0 for less than $500.00. so i'm trying to find out if it would be better just to switch to an electric 16" fan. any imput at all would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    Most folks Just resilicon the fan hub. cheap and relatively easy to do.
    Check out threads on this subject there are loads of them and decide what is the best weight of silicon oil for your environment . All toyota dealers have acsess to this oil, though not all offer this option. failing that model outlets sometimes sell it.i guess you wouldn't need a heavy weight oil where you are.
    The viscous fan when working is pretty good.
    www.europa88.co.uk Loadsa mods!


    • #3
      The Taurus fan tends to be a favourite for the mod over your way, if I recall correctly. Dual speed too, I believe. I changed mine over to an electric unit I made up from scrapyard salvage and I've never had a moments problem, personally.

