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Starter motor contact pics

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  • Starter motor contact pics

    Hi Gents,

    i have taken my starter off and got some new contact replacement parts...but like a ### i removed the old ones before the new parts arrived and now i cant remember how they go back together...i dont suppose any one has good photos breaking it down, i have had a look at some on here and they dont quite show what im after i seem to have an extra nut and washer.
    Im tempted to just try it and see how it goes but it was such a pain to remove i really want to make sure i have put it back together correctly

    any help would be very much appreciated
    Birmingham City F.C.

  • #2

    Scroll down to post 5.
    hope this helps

    www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk


    • #3
      Thanks Alan for the reply
      i decided to crack on with it anyway having put the wrong size bolt in the wrong contact i realisied when trying to fit the earthing wire so out it came again a quick swop and bravo.fires like a dream now...hopefully it will still like it as well....but the moral of the story dont remove the old until you have the new...

      Anyway thanks again Alan

      Birmingham City F.C.

