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3.0 litre Wierdness

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  • 3.0 litre Wierdness

    Hola amigos.

    So I'm onto my second surf in Ibiza, a black 3.0 I picked up here on Sunday. it looks and ran fine on the test drive, and on Sunday when I brought it home, and has started fine (instantly) a few times since.

    so yesterday took it out properly for the first time and up some of the trails here, trying to provoke it into overheating if it's going to, and it was all good.

    after about 2 hours we headed down into one of the valleys off road, and she was going really well over some really big roughage, and right at the very bottom of the farthermost valley, the most miles from anyone and any civilization, halfway up the steepest slope we'd yet encountered, with a friend, girlfriend (with sandals) and a young puppy in the car, it just stopped dead, suddenly, like the fuel valve shut off.

    and when i tried to start it, the batteries were flat. the charging light had never come on (and works) the voltmeter was (and is now) showing right over to the far right, about 16v I suppose?

    I had the air-con on, but no lights as was only 7pm at this point (dark about 8.30-9 now)

    so anyway, to cut a (very, about 9 hours) long story shorter, with a different battery she started immediately, and I drove her out, straight to the local garage today, and both of my batteries are fine, (although obviously flat) but they load tested them, while I watched in amazement.

    and the alternator is charging at about 14V.

    its the strangest thing Ive ever had happen. ever.

    anyone ever seen / heard / known of similar goings on?
    Last edited by kevsta; 12 May 2009, 12:14.
    Biggus Truckus..

  • #2
    Loose, frayed, broken or corroded earth strap usually.


    • #3
      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
      Loose, frayed, broken or corroded earth strap usually.
      lol. "usually" this is commonplace then is it?

      off to vaseline them all up.. thanks.
      Biggus Truckus..


      • #4
        looks like you were right, the r/h battery negative was a bit crusty and it actually cut out again and then started again when I wiggled it while testing outside the house, so cleaned and jellied and hope that's all it was.
        Biggus Truckus..

