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I know this has been mentioned before......

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  • I know this has been mentioned before......

    .....BUT, how the hell do you remove the rear light cluster?

    I've taken the two bolts out of the side but I just can't get the rest to come out!

    It's flapping about as though it's held at the outer edge, do I continue to push it in that direction (like opening a book) or does it pull out straight towards to you? Is there a clip to release or what?

    It definitley feels like something is going to break off and we don't want that do we?

    Why does something as simple as changing a bulb take hours and warrant coming on here? I despair!

    Please help someone, I've a long journey to make today so if possible I would like to change my duff brake light first.


  • #2
    once the 2 bolts are out you need to push the cluster outwards as its held in by 2 pins aswell


    • #3
      Outwards towards the kerb as it were?


      • #4
        yep out to the side,it will just pop out,once u have done it once you will wonder wot all the fuss was about


        • #5
          I dare say, well here goes then.

          I'll let you know!


          • #6

            I was trying to prise it open like a book (if you know what I mean) towards the kerb. I pushed/pulled/wriggled and the bottom pin popped out, followed shortly by the top. I then could see that it just needs a push out of the side parallel like, not "book like".

            Aaah, sorted now. Once you can see how it goes together it's simple isn't it?

            What WAS all that fuss about!!!

            Cheers guys.


            • #7
              Originally posted by iggypop View Post

              I was trying to prise it open like a book (if you know what I mean) towards the kerb. I pushed/pulled/wriggled and the bottom pin popped out, followed shortly by the top. I then could see that it just needs a push out of the side parallel like, not "book like".

              Aaah, sorted now. Once you can see how it goes together it's simple isn't it?

              What WAS all that fuss about!!!

              Cheers guys.

