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Biodiesel query

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  • Biodiesel query

    Hi I am new to this forum so please bear with me.

    I am wanting to buy a 3.0L TD surf to run on biodiesel (i.e. filtered used veg oil). Are there any models/versions/years that are better than others for this configuration?

    Many thanks


  • #2
    I dont believe so.

    Fuel pump seals on an old truck can take a bit of a battering because they'll be past their best anyway, and the old mechanical pump is a bigger pig to service than the EFi ones. The mechanical pumps are on early 2nd gen 2.4s, so steer clear of thos and you should be OK.

    The 3.0 has the later fuel pump, and it seems from forum members experience (including my own) the top seals are the ones that go first. These can be replaced easily.

    Other than this, the 3.0 runs happily on mixed veg / diesel up to around 50%, higher than this and you should probably limit to summer use or fit heaters.
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #3
      Hi fella, i run mine on veg, and as far as i can see there IS!!

      what you want is one with the winter pack, this has a heated fuel filter for that colder weather when your bio will get more viscous, also it should have twin batterys, for if it ever gets hard to start because of veg congealing in the fuel lines,

      hope thats a bit of help


      • #4
        Filtered waste vegetable oil IS NOT biodiesel - it is just oil. Biodiesel is a diesel that is made from vegetable oil through a process called transesterification. See here: http://www.biofuelsforum.com/
        for info on both these fuels.


        • #5

          It's veg oil and it combusts via the diesel process.

          Calling it biodiesel means you can charge more for a product that contains more toxic chemicals but wont (possibly) blow up Joe Bloggs Peugeot.
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #6
            No, sorry Apache, this is not being pedantic. Biodiesel IS entirely different to straight vegetable oil. Vege oil is not diesel. Too many vehicles have had mechanical failures due to people passing off almost any concoction as being biodiesel, and giving biodiesel a bad name. You can safely drink well-made biodiesel - not that you would want to do it often. It really irks me to see the reputation of biodiesel becoming slurred through mis-labelling of alternative fuels by those too ignorant to know the difference.


            • #7
              Every time it's SVO for me, over Biodiesel ....
              I'm more worried about Biodiesel wherever/whoever makes it !!!!

              There's always a Payback .... Don't expect a warning tho !!!!
              Buncefield Burner

