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turbo tec

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  • turbo tec

    just got my turbo out due to a really bad noise coming from the right hand side of the engine. everytime i put my foot down when the turbo was suppose to kick in i got a tin of nail rattling so my guess i was the turbo. anyway back to the turbo, had a look at the propeller and that seems fine, but there seems to be quite a bit of play in the shaft. what i want to know is how much play should there be in the shaft? there seems to be between 1-2mm. any help would be good. i have got another turbo on the way to replace it.

  • #2
    That is a lot of play, but i have known turbo's still work fine with more. From new you shouldn't really be able to feel any play. Are the turbine blades damaged or catching the sides? Any scoring to housing?


    • #3
      Originally posted by charliemuttley View Post
      That is a lot of play, but i have known turbo's still work fine with more. From new you shouldn't really be able to feel any play. Are the turbine blades damaged or catching the sides? Any scoring to housing?
      the the blades and casing seem to be a bit more shiny than the rest and there is a possibility that the blades touch the side


      • #4
        It does sound like your turbo is knacked then i'm afraid.


        • #5
          it was replaced it with another one today and the noise has gone thank god lol

