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Another MPG question

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  • Another MPG question

    Can anyone confirm or deny that on average 3rd gen surf's get better MPG than 2nd gen.

    I more than appreciate the driver has the biggest influence on MPG, but all things being equal, if the answer is yes is the intercooler the main reason.

    Has anyone fitted an intercooler to a 2nd gen and apart from the extra torque was there a noticeable difference in the MPG.



  • #2
    not all 3rd gens have itercoolers, mine dont,


    • #3
      firstly, 3.0 litre 3rd gens and 3.0 litre 2nd gens carry exactly the same engine, so if there's a noticable difference in economy it's down to something other than engine design. Age / deteriation may play a part, and also the drivetrain is a completely different setup (which is better probably depends more on usage than anything else). Aerodynamics, both have the aerodynamics of a brick, but the 3rd gen may be a slightly more rounded brick. Also i don't know if there is any significant weight difference between 2nd and 3rd gens.

      Intercooled 3rd gens will have more power & more torque, and should be better on the fuel, but if you use the extra grunt it's got at every available opportunity you'll lose any mpg gains that were there. Same with retro fitting an intercooler to a 2nd gen, it's been done plenty on 2.4s now, but not seen many 3.0 litres with intercoolers, i think Apache has done/is doing one, but can't remember if he's done it yet.
      =SOLD UP!=

