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overheating tingy

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  • overheating tingy

    Ok hear goes, changed coolant and flushed thru a few months back.
    Went on holiday towing a van. Engine got hot climbing hills etc. Temp gauge did its usual, on the high red.
    Camped for a few days, thought I would check rad. Ended up filling up with coolant.
    Had to do this a few times before coming home 1 week later.

    Sometimes it is OK other times I cant drive 2 or 3 miles before the temp
    gauge is going off the scale.

    Have changed rad cap. When I checked it last week it seemed a bit loose.

    (Poss from earlier coolant change?) Don't know if it was original cap.

    Its a 3.0l SSR-G. It has been regularly serviced.
    Had all belts done in Jan.

    Is just coming up to 200000KM .

    Drives brill apart from this prob.

    Sometimes, only somtimes having all blowers open and running full blast it
    drops the temp gauge slightly..... Doesn't always work.
    Sometimes the temp gauge shoots up and then ' flutters',
    flicks, fluctuates take yer pick....

    When I bought new rad cap from Roughtrax I also bought a new
    thermostat. Looks a pig to change tho.
    I have burped system over a few days and had it raised on blocks with
    the cap off over night etc.
    Bit odd when every other week or days I have to top up
    to the point of half filling. Sometimes 2/3 litres.

    I drove my daughter 3 miles to school last week and we were have way there
    When steam started coming out of the overflow bottle and out the front
    of the bonnet. I stoped let it cool and let the air out.

    Is the thermostat sticking or what?
    Hopefully it is the stat.

    When I came back tonight from driving back 3 miles from a farm I sometimes work at. It raced up hot and when I opened the bonnet the rad was hot, and top and bottom rad pipes were rock hard.

    After about 45 mins, I went out rad had cooled down and I removed
    the rad cap and the pipes were no longer hard. .
    I squeezed the lower pipe and a little steam came out of the rad.

    Is there a more sinister reason for this problem,,,,
    Not the dreaded head or .........

    Had starter motor go in March which was repaired and went like a dream for a few weeks but is temperamental with damp weather. (Connection?)

    I have changed coolant and oils regularly since having the beast 5yrs
    (1st owner in Uk). otherwise it runs great....

  • #2
    Sounds ominous, but i'd be getting a new stat in there ASAP
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      is your rad blocked.try flushing.av u tried with stat out.u noticed any water coming out your expasion tank?
      Went on holiday towing a van. Engine got hot climbing hills etc. Temp gauge did its usual, on the high red.
      Camped for a few days, thought I would check rad. Ended up filling up with coolant.
      Had to do this a few times before coming home 1 week later.

      Sometimes it is OK other times I cant drive 2 or 3 miles before the temp
      gauge is going off the scale.

      Have changed rad cap. When I checked it last week it seemed a bit loose.

      (Poss from earlier coolant change?) Don't know if it was original cap.

      Its a 3.0l SSR-G. It has been regularly serviced.
      Had all belts done in Jan.

      Is just coming up to 200000KM .

      Drives brill apart from this prob.

      Sometimes, only somtimes having all blowers open and running full blast it
      drops the temp gauge slightly..... Doesn't always work.
      Sometimes the temp gauge shoots up and then ' flutters',
      flicks, fluctuates take yer pick....

      When I bought new rad cap from Roughtrax I also bought a new
      thermostat. Looks a pig to change tho.
      I have burped system over a few days and had it raised on blocks with
      the cap off over night etc.
      Bit odd when every other week or days I have to top up
      to the point of half filling. Sometimes 2/3 litres.

      I drove my daughter 3 miles to school last week and we were have way there
      When steam started coming out of the overflow bottle and out the front
      of the bonnet. I stoped let it cool and let the air out.

      Is the thermostat sticking or what?
      Hopefully it is the stat.

      When I came back tonight from driving back 3 miles from a farm I sometimes work at. It raced up hot and when I opened the bonnet the rad was hot, and top and bottom rad pipes were rock hard.

      After about 45 mins, I went out rad had cooled down and I removed
      the rad cap and the pipes were no longer hard. .
      I squeezed the lower pipe and a little steam came out of the rad.

      Is there a more sinister reason for this problem,,,,
      Not the dreaded head or .........

      Had starter motor go in March which was repaired and went like a dream for a few weeks but is temperamental with damp weather. (Connection?)

      I have changed coolant and oils regularly since having the beast 5yrs
      (1st owner in Uk). otherwise it runs great....[/QUOTE]


      • #4
        Sorry to say but i think your head has gone- i have recently done three 3.0 Surfs and unfortunatley they all had same problem as the 2.4's- cracked between the valves.
        Oh and thermostat is a bitch to change on the 3.0
        Does it cough and smoke on start up (water in bores)?
        Get system pressurised and look for leaks- if none then start it up and see if it struggles.


        • #5
          Couple of things, what exactly is meant when the 'heads is gone, cracked'

          Have looked at a million threads and am swithering whether it is or not.

          What causes it?

          How long and far can I drive with surf in this state?

          What is involved in fixing it?

          How much will it cost.?

          How long would it take?

          My mechanic is on holiday and I can't get it looked at until next week.

          Is the truck worth keeping after ?

          As I said it is coming up for 200000kms .

          Apart from this wee problem it runs great......


          • #6
            Originally posted by marticogo View Post
            Couple of things, what exactly is meant when the 'heads is gone, cracked'

            There are cracks between the valves on the cylinder head

            What causes it?

            Lots of things can. Most commonly overheating, also differential expansion between materials, poor design (as on the 2.4) or just a bad casting

            How long and far can I drive with surf in this state?

            Forever, but it will keep overheating and throwing coolant out and will eventually damage the block and/or seize from getting hot so many times

            What is involved in fixing it?

            Replacing the head and numerous associated parts (gasket, bolts etc)

            How much will it cost.?

            About 1200-1500 all in at a garage. About 700 if you do it yourself

            How long would it take?

            A day for a good mechanic. A couple at least if you do it

            My mechanic is on holiday and I can't get it looked at until next week.

            Is the truck worth keeping after ?

            Yes, if you want a big diesel 4x4. There aren't many more comfortable or reliable

            As I said it is coming up for 200000kms .

            Apart from this wee problem it runs great......


            • #7
              Cheers for the news Sancho.


              • #8
                I have spoken to mechanic. He reckons head costs about £800.00

                Is this about right? I had seen them a lot cheaper.

                Am I looking at the right thing

                Is there more to it than just the head?

                He has quoted me £1200 - £1500 to do the job.

                I can't afford that.

                I haven't got the complete know to do it myself , also don't have

                the facilities to do this. I live at a school....

                If I sell it afterwards I doubt that I will get my money back.

                I now cannot afford the fuel for it.

                It's 132.9p per litre around here.

                Will have to look at alternative for pulling my caravan with..........

                What is the best way to go about selling it as it is ?

                On here or ebay?.
                I am unable to break it as storage is impossible.

                I will add as much info as I can tomorrow..
                Its on an L 94 plate. SSR - G
                Recaros etc.
                Really gutted.


                • #9
                  yep thats about the right price for a head, if your gonna sell it as it is you need to pay for an add on here think it's £5, or like you say put it on ebay


                  • #10
                    Stormforce may be looking for a new project:



                    • #11
                      Is there an easy way to find out if it is the head that has gone or 'just' the
                      gasket that is shot?
                      i.e. not taking the whole thing apart.
                      If it is the head then there will be a surf going begging in South Bucks.
                      I tried driving it to mecahnics last Thuirsdauy night, but only got 1 mile
                      before grey, black and white smoke started coming out.
                      When I reached a hill it seemed to be losing power and smoking real bad
                      so I stopped and parked up. Plod happened to come along saying I
                      couldn't drive it like that. So I went back after dark when it was quieter
                      and drove it home.

                      If I can know for definite what problem is I will put it up for sale for
                      breaking or fixing, in the appropiate section after paying proper dibs.
                      I can't break it where I live cos its a school

                      If I called the AA ot would they be able to tell me real problem

                      If I got them to tow it to my garage and it is completley knackered.
                      It will be stuck there. Garage is 12 miles away.
                      The mechanic says he will look and tell me what problem is.
                      He said he would start with the stat.
                      I would like a definite answer so as not to go down the road. of slinging
                      money away.
                      If it cost 2 or 3 hundred to fix I would go ahead but £1200 is a quid to far.
                      I have gotten a Fiat for a run around, but will be looking to for something
                      to tow my caravan with in the summer. Having to seriously look whether
                      I can afford to keep caravan.
                      Unfortunately the governments taxing and price of oil has now priced me out of big engined cars.
                      If i can't sell it it will have to be lorried away to scrappies.
                      I can't even drive it and get some money as scrappy is 14 miles away.
                      Any answers please.


                      • #12
                        I know of at least 5 3l's in the last couple of months that the heads have gone so its not looking good.Have you had the exhaust gases checked?
                        You will be better off getting the head off and then getting it pressure tested and if it comes back alright all you need to do is get a new gasket and head bolts.A pressure test is only £30 or £40 so its well worth doing and at least you will know for sure either way.
                        i bought a 3l with the head blown but i did have another head here which i got tested and rebuilt costing nearly £300 and i paid £500 for the truck plus £180 delivery,all new oil,filters,belts and trans fluid then the time and labour i put into it so just that comes to over 1k. So even if you put it back on the road you'll get anything from 2k to 3k for it so you need to weigh up your options and do what you think is right.

                        If you can get the head fitted cheap then you can buy one of the ebay heads for 3-400 complete but you will need to pay 100 deposit which you get back when your old head is sent back.
                        If i could find a cheap way to get it home here i would take it off your hands depending on how much you wanted for it,but it will cost me about 300 just to get it home
                        Last edited by stormforce; 9 June 2008, 13:18.


                        • #13
                          Hi Stormforce .

                          Do you think AA might relay it?

                          What sort of figure are you looking at?
                          my email add is martingow@madasafish.com
                          Will put it on officially, paypal etc this evening.
                          All the info I have

