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Problem on veggie

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  • Problem on veggie

    I need some advice. I run ok on diesel then when i swich over to wvo 10%diesel my car just starts to die, the engine light comes on and stalls. Now the second i know its starting to do this if i flip the swich for diesel almost stright away the surf back on. This is driving me crazy It is not the fuel filter as i thought it was a new fram filter went in yesterday. Could it be the injectors and would advancing the timing of the pump fix my problem. As i recall all the problems started just after i added a little bit of acetone 2 weeks ago since i have broke down 20 times. Anybody .

  • #2
    If it runs on diesel, it's not the pump or injectors, it's something in the secondary fuel.

    I presume you have a second tank and the fuel lines are probably glooped up with all the oil you've put in there. Pirate Storm had similar problems with veg clogging his fuel lines I think.

    Out of interest, how much acetone did you put in?


    • #3
      What are you doing to convert the WVO into fuel? If the oil is heavily contaminated just filtering it won't be enough. You are asking for serious trouble. Check out how much a replacement injector pump costs.

      For info


      I agree with Sancho - if it runs OK on diesel then its probably the WVO.

      If acetone was a worthwhile addition why isn't it added by any fuel producer?
      Another member of the 'A' team


      • #4
        I found out it is the shit the veg oil has lifted inside the tank, clogging up the strainer before the fuel pump. I still have not sorted it yet and i am running on the aux tank have been for a month now. Does any one have any tips on clearing the strainer?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Sancho View Post
          If it runs on diesel, it's not the pump or injectors, it's something in the secondary fuel.

          I presume you have a second tank and the fuel lines are probably glooped up with all the oil you've put in there. Pirate Storm had similar problems with veg clogging his fuel lines I think.

          Out of interest, how much acetone did you put in?
          Add on every full tank 70ml for diesel and 35ml for petrol using this for agees ths will improve power and cleans system.


          • #6
            I was put of with it emulsifing the oil and water and perhaps blowing out my injectors, its a 3lt its got enough power .


            • #7
              I have single tank use 50/50 works fine,as soon as increase higher rate of wvo surf dont like it, check your valve when switched over opens


              • #8
                Valves fine mate, its got nothing to do with the percentage my surf will quite happily start on 100% wvo in this weather. I twin tank to prolong the life of the beast. Its not the valve either its been checked. It is defo the big bits inside the tank clogging up the strainer does any one have any advice on clearing it without taking it all apart.


                • #9
                  Chuck some ATF in and take it for a burn. The petrol isn't for power, it's to stop it clogging up.


                  • #10
                    Ok when you say atf i take it auto trans fluid, but i lost you when you mentioned the petrol.


                    • #11
                      My mistake, I mis-read an earlier post.

                      Yes, auto transmission fluid. To be honest though, you'd be best sorting out the in-tank filter properly.


                      • #12
                        Changed the filter in the tank and problem sorted.

