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UPDATED!! No power to passenger rear windows (KNZ130)

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  • UPDATED!! No power to passenger rear windows (KNZ130)

    Please help a numpty!!

    I have just come back from a horsey show, and the rear passenger windows will not go up or down (one is stuck open!) Tailgate and front windows are all working normally. Have checked all fuses in the box by the accelerator pedal - all seem fine (Haven't checked any in the engine bay).

    We haven't used the rear windows for a while, and our passenger put her side down no probs, then it just wouldn't go back up. The other side would not go down when we checked.

    Is there anything else I should be looking for??? My electrical knowledge is knowing which end of a battery is positive or neagtive and thats about it!!

    Otherwise, its going to mean a bin bag over the window and clear the contents!!

    Any help you can offer will be GRATEFULLY received!!

    Many thanks in advance,



    Managed to get the window up again by opening the drivers window, closing all the doors, operating the door lock switch to lock - then unlock. Walked to passenger rear door - openined it and window went up. Cannot operate either rear passemger window from drivers controls (front passenger window works OK).

    Seems to be a relay issue of some kind as motors ruled out and fuses OK. Very strange (to me at least) - and there I was with my "bin bag window" at the ready! If I ever get to the bottom of it I will post an update.

    Just glad the car is secure. For now.....

    If anyone has any suggestions as to what could be cauising this, please let me know!! Thanks, as always...
    Last edited by LockyBalboa; 5 May 2008, 18:36. Reason: Managed to get the window up - but problem not fixed.