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Smokin' Surf

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  • Smokin' Surf

    Is it true that my 3lt Mk3 surf smokes when I boot it up the motorway because the engine was ment to run on Japanese fuel and not UK fuel? Or is someone pulling my leg. If this is the case, can I do anything about it, or do I need to.



  • #2
    Originally posted by jonnyhicks
    Is it true that my 3lt Mk3 surf smokes when I boot it up the motorway because the engine was ment to run on Japanese fuel and not UK fuel? Or is someone pulling my leg. If this is the case, can I do anything about it, or do I need to.


    Someone is pulling your leg, what you can do about it is, give them a swift kick in the *********, pick them up and slam them in to the nearest wall, head first.
    Run down to 1/4 tank of fuel chuck in a whole bottle (medium or large one) of redex diesel fuel treatment and give a blast round. This will clean the injectors, you will always get a bit of the old black stuff under heavy accleration, look at any diesel motor in front of you when they boot it, it puffs out some black stuff.
    If you are getting great big rain clouds of the stuff then further investigation is needed, could be turbo seals etc.
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off

