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Auto Transmission Problem

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  • Auto Transmission Problem

    Hi there

    I have never used a forum before so forgive me if my question is dumb.

    I bought a 94 3.0 surf auto about 6 weeks ago. When I got it the auto box seemed to work perfectly, smooth changes through all gears until the final change at around 50mph. Then I noticed that the changes were beginning to take place at a higher and higher speeds and continued to do so until now top gear is not selected at all. I am near red lining at about 70 mph. The "sport" button is not pressed and the OD is not switched off, although it now no longer seems to make any difference anyway. I have had the fluid drained and changed although the engineer said that it was clear red without any burnt smells. Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what has gone wrong?



  • #2
    Originally posted by Richardireland View Post
    Hi there

    I have never used a forum before so forgive me if my question is dumb.

    I bought a 94 3.0 surf auto about 6 weeks ago. When I got it the auto box seemed to work perfectly, smooth changes through all gears until the final change at around 50mph. Then I noticed that the changes were beginning to take place at a higher and higher speeds and continued to do so until now top gear is not selected at all. I am near red lining at about 70 mph. The "sport" button is not pressed and the OD is not switched off, although it now no longer seems to make any difference anyway. I have had the fluid drained and changed although the engineer said that it was clear red without any burnt smells. Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what has gone wrong?


    As my truck get hotter, normally whilst towing this happens, but in your case there seems to be a problem with the overdrive not kicking in, it could be 2 things mainly:-

    1) a fault with the speedo sensor (the gearbox takes a signal from the sensor, but on a differant circuit from the speedo)

    2) A solenoid fault.

    There is a way to check this all out & you may have to do a diagnostic on the gearbox, all the info is on here (somewhere) but you may have to search a bit for it.
    Bring me the head of a treehugger


    • #3
      Is the ECT Power switch on or off? If it's on, it will do as you describe.
      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


      • #4
        Hi Albannach, the "Sport" button is not pressed. If I do press this the ECT PWR light comes on. Similarly if I press the OD button then the OD OFF light comes on (solid not flashing) and goes off again if pressed again. Thank you coolsv650 for your input.

        I'll have a search on the forum to see if I can find the diagnostic procedures as you describe.

        thanks again



        • #5
          Hi Richard

          Welcome to world of insanity

          I have a '94 3.0 T/D surf and had the same problem last year and after spending nearly £2000 having the gearbox completely rebuilt, new throttle position sensor and loads of other bits changed,add that to the car hire charges(as mine was off the road for about 4 months) It turned out to be the ECU in the passenger footwell.

          If you know anyone near you with a 3.0l then see if they will let you try their ECU before you go spending lots of cash.



          • #6
            Hi Artful Dodger, thank you for that, that sounds quite encouraging and hopefully not too expensive. I suppose the next thing is to ask anyone on the forum whether they have a spare ecu that I could borrow for 5 minutes!!!! The problem is that I am in Northern Ireland and the nearest auto transmission specialist is about 100 miles away!!

            Any suggestions?




            • #7
              Might be worth getting one from a breaker if it's cheap enough.

              yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


              • #8
                supersurf has a 3.0l breaker at the moment so i think he may be your best bet for a ecu


                • #9
                  Thanks Stormforce. I know this might sound pretty dumb but how do I contact Supersurf?




                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Richardireland View Post
                    Thanks Stormforce. I know this might sound pretty dumb but how do I contact Supersurf?


                    His tel numbers are at the start of this thread Rich


                    • #11
                      Thank you Stormforce, spoke with Supersurf last night.

                      Is there anyone in Northern Ireland who has an automatic 3.0 Surf who would be prepared for me to put my ecu into their car to see if my problems arise from my ecu?




                      • #12
                        I have an update on the auto box problem and I wonder if anyone can offer their advice. Sorry about the long post.

                        I have run the OBD by shorting E1 and TE1 together. No error codes, either on the engine check light or the OD OFF light. Both flashed constantly. I have run the "live" test by shorting together E1 and TE2, going for a test drive and then WITHOUT turning the ignition off I shorted E1 and TE1 together. Still no errors. Both lights flashed constantly.

                        I then found a web site which gave details of a test for the throttle position sensor. It said, with the ignition on but with the engine off, put a voltmeter between E1 and W. The article showed a little graph saying that the voltage should go up in increments as the throttle is pressed. My reading showed a voltage of 1.4V constantly no matter where the throttle position was. I tried the same reading again but this time with the engine running. The reading between E1 and W was now 13.8 volts constant, again no change when the throttle was depressed.

                        My question is, is this test valid for my engine. It's a 3.0 SSRX Ltd. If it is valid then can I assume that the problem lay with the TPS.

                        Many thanks for anyones help.




                        • #13
                          Auto transmission problem - No Overdrive

                          I too have an automatic transmission problem. About 4 months ago whilst driving on the motorway my surf dropped out of overdrive and would not go back in. I took it to an Auto Gearbox specialist who have had the car for some 3 months now. They have re-built the box, electrically tested all the sysyems but couldn't find the problem. They put it with an electrical specialist who also was unable to find the fault. Toyota then had a go and have said that the problem lies with the overdrive sensor in the gearbox. This sensor is now obsolete and they cannot provide an alternative. I will collect the car next week with no charge but with no fix to the problem. Does anyone now how I can get hold of an overdrive sessor?

