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Diff Gear ratio change.

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  • Diff Gear ratio change.

    Hi there!

    Thinking in changing my diff gear ratio to obtain a bit more towing power.

    Does the compliance plate indicate the ratio of the diff?
    I did the turning the wheel and sticky tape thing but I may have either a 4:1 or a 3.9:1 Not easy to tell using that method.
    Truck is Toyota Surf 185 - 1996 - 3L diesel Auto.

    Was thinking in going the next one up. If I have 4.1 then to 4.3

  • #2
    Originally posted by Marc1 View Post
    Hi there!

    Thinking in changing my diff gear ratio to obtain a bit more towing power.

    Does the compliance plate indicate the ratio of the diff?
    I did the turning the wheel and sticky tape thing but I may have either a 4:1 or a 3.9:1 Not easy to tell using that method.
    Truck is Toyota Surf 185 - 1996 - 3L diesel Auto.

    Was thinking in going the next one up. If I have 4.1 then to 4.3
    There'll be an axle code on the VIN plate, i assume that's the same as a compliance plate?

    It'll be something like G285, more info on what code means what here http://toyota.off-road.com/toyota/Ax...tegoryId=11290
    =SOLD UP!=

