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Shes a bit ill!

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  • Shes a bit ill!

    Hi to all whos looking,ive had my 93 surf for only 1 month and its starting to get a bit ill! The revs go up and down when stopped and whilst driving and the little light in the centre of spedo comes on now and again.This has only started today and i dont want the wife using that ###### TOLD YOU SO line.Checked the air fillter and its stinking could this be a cause?(getting a new one soon as) Could it be electrical? I intened to get her fully serviced next week and was looking for a little advice . Any help would be apreaciated Ps. will i cause more probs if i drive her?
    thanks cold water surfer

  • #2
    Try running it for a few minutes with the filter out to see if it's just that.


    • #3
      Thanks 4 your speedy reply mate ill try that first thing in morning.


      • #4
        Could be that, but it very easily could be your fuel filter. By the sounds of it all, I'd replace both filters, plus do an oil change and change the oil filter too.


        • #5
          Air filter could well be to blame. I got a cheap one at my local motor factors. does the job.

          It cant hurt to change the other filters. If something becomes blocked then your going to starve the engine of at least one of the vital components it needs to run.

          Give it a shot! The fuel filter is simple to change just get a pair of mole grips on it an unscrew it, then pour some redex diesel system cleaner into a new one, screw it back on and then pump the top of it to prime the system and fire the truck up. Done inside of 15 minutes.


          • #6
            If check engine light comes on more when pressing harder on pedal then starvation and as guys said fuel filter first step, fill it (filter) wiv redex and give it a good bangin.
            Without Surf And Unhappy


            • #7
              Check fault codes as well. The 3Ltr also has a small mesh filter in the Timer Control Valve (TCV). This may be blocked.



              • #8
                New Filters All Round

                Thanks to all that offered their advice i've got all new fillters today and will replace them tomorrow after work.Im really impresed with this forum there seems to be such a range of knowlage out there and really helpfull members.Looking forward to lots of fun this winter.
                COLD WATER SURFER

